app/controllers/application.rb * timezone change ? * add options to user authorisation * url_path method addition app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb * remove requirement of a version to be able to add attachments ? * refactored options for inline images to always send mime-type app/controllers/issues_controller.rb * diff authorisation * time_entry_in_progress addition to show method * remove default issue's startdate == issue add date ? * add flash_error for issue * time_entry_in_progress addition to edit method ? * add flash_error for issues[0] ? * redirect after move under some circumstances * new diff method definition * new normalize method definition for diffing issue description app/controllers/my_controller.rb * new show_account method definition [Link to users account] app/controllers/timelog_controller.rb * before_filter :find_user [User's cross-project time log] * user_id for time-entry table condition for user timelog ? * apply_date addition (extra refinement?) * start- / end-time intersection handler in edit method ? * check in find_project-method to make sure params[:project_id] !== empty * new user_id definition for user timelog * find_user method addition [User's cross-project time log] ? * apply_date addition (extra refinement?) ? * make sure apply_date is false when filter is all ? * make @from ||= - 1 ? * make @to ||= * new redirect if issue in_progress for start- / end-time tracking app/helpers/application_helper.rb * timezone changes app/helpers/issues_helper.rb * add description-change into issue-journal * time_entry_in_progress configuration in new spent_hours method app/helpers/sort_helper.rb * modified order of the sort-clause method according to firstname/lastname change app/helpers/timelog_helper.rb * new hours method-initialisation for timelog app/helpers/versions_helper.rb * new version-metrics for version page * new method time_progress app/models/attachment.rb ? * add: always guess and fill mime-type for attachments app/models/custom_value.rb ? * clarified error when list custom_field list-type (?) app/models/issue.rb ? * use self.connection when rolling-back db transaction while bucking-out of an issue move using cancel ? * specified error-message to "project doesnt contain this tracker" hardcoded in the validate_on_create-method * removed description from before_save method * added done? method for remaining-version-time changes * added time_entry_in_progress method for start- / end-time tracking changes * added active_versions method for disabling showing of released versions app/models/issue_category.rb * category name length-limit change app/models/journal_detail.rb * removed before_save method for issue description addition on the issue journal app/models/project.rb * project identifier length change * added project active_versions method app/models/query.rb * added done/undone filters to issue queries * added none/all filters for string fields app/models/time_entry.rb * start- / end-time tracking changes app/models/user.rb * changes for firstname / lastname changes app/models/version.rb * bumped version name length limit from 60 to 100 * added version metrics on the version page * added not_estimated_undone_count to version metrics on the versions page app/sweepers DELETED due to emptyness app/views/account/show.rhtml * added link to user timelog app/views/issue_statuses/_form.rhtml * added issue status is development complete flag app/views/issue_statuses/list.rhtml * added issue status is development complete flag app/views/issues/_edit.rhtml * added javascript inclusion to script 'time' * added time.entry.hidden_field :id * added time.entry.time_field :start_time * added time.entry.time_field :end_time app/views/issues/_form.rhtml * changed call from project.versions to issue.active_versions for disabling showing of released versions app/views/issues/_form_update.rhtml * changed call from project.versions to issue.active_versions for disabling showing of released versions app/views/issues/bulk_edit.rhtml * changed call from project.versions to project.active_versions for disabling showing of released versions app/views/issues/context_menu.rhtml * changed call from project.versions to project.active_versions for disabling showing of released versions * changed call from project.versions to project.active_versions for disabling showing of released versions app/views/issues/diff.rhtml ADDED for issue description diff-functionalities between changes app/views/issues/show.rhtml * changed call to issue.spent_hours to the new method spent_hours (defined in issues_helper.rb) app/views/layouts/base.rhtml * added link to currently logged-on user's account page at the topbar on the username app/views/members DELETED due to emptyness app/views/my/blocks/_timelog.rhtml * changed calls to html_hours to be working with the start- / end-time functionality app/views/projects/changelog.rhtml * made project description on the changelog textilizable app/views/queries/_filters.rhtml * added done/undone filters to queries app/views/timelog/_date_range.rhtml * added check "if @report" to prevent rendering of the report-tab while viewing user time log app/views/timelog/_list.rhtml * added start_time column on timelog-list * added end_time column on timelog-list * moved hours column on the timelog-list app/views/timelog/edit.rhtml * added javascript inclusion to script 'time' * added unknown javascript-call (probably to a function within 'time') * added start_time time_field * added end_time time_field * changed hours text_field to be able to recalculate time by start-/end-time app/views/versions/_form.rhtml * made version-description textilizable app/views/versions/_issue_counts.rhtml * new version-metrics for version page app/views/versions/_overview.rhtml * made version-description textilizable on the version-overview app/views/versions/show.rhtml * new version-metrics for version page (remaining time, undone time count) config/environment.rb * added timezone configuration config/routes.rb * added show_my_account route to :controller => 'my', :action => 'show_account' * added users_timelog route to :controller => 'timelog' db/migrate/20080902122005_add_start_and_end_time_to_time_entries.rb db/migrate/20080902122006_allow_null_time_entry_hours.rb db/migrate/20080902122007_change_versions_description_limit.rb db/migrate/20080902122008_allow_long_journal_details_values.rb db/migrate/20080902122009_allow_longer_issue_categories.rb db/migrate/20080904103007_add_development_complete_flag_to_status.rb ADDED DB changes ... lang/en.yml * added field_is_development_complete * added field_start_time * added field_end_time * added label_done_issues_genitive_case * added label_done_issues * added label_done_issues_plural * added label_undone_issues * added label_undone_issues_plural * added label_remaining_time * added label_current_total_time * added label_estimated_time_short * added label_spent_time_short * added label_remaining_time_short * added label_issues_count * added label_time * added label_spent_time_log * added label_not_estimated_and_undone * added button_now * added text_not_assigned * added text_hours_short * added text_in_progress * added activerecord_error_field_must_be_set_if_other_is_not * added text_clear_to_recalculate_time_by_range * added text_and * added text_time_entry_intersecting_notice * added text_time_entry_intersecting_notice_entry * added text_time_entry_intersecting_notice_entry_plural lang/nl.yml * added field_start_time * added field_end_time * added label_remaining_time * added label_current_total_time * added label_estimated_time_short * added label_spent_time_short * added label_remaining_time_short * added label_issues_count * added label_time * added button_now * added text_hours_short * added text_not_assigned * added text_in_progress * added activerecord_error_field_must_be_set_if_other_is_not * added text_clear_to_recalculate_time_by_range * added text_and * added text_time_entry_intersecting_notice * added text_time_entry_intersecting_notice_entry * added text_time_entry_intersecting_notice_entry_plural ... lib/plugins DELETED due to emptyness lib/tabular_form_builder.rb * added new time_field method lib/tasks/convert_database_times_to_utc.rake ADDED for the timezone changes lib/tasks/migrate_from_trac.rake DELETED due to obsoletion by trac improvents lib/tasks/plugins.rake ADDED to enumerate plugin hooks lib/tasks/set_missing_attachment_mime_types.rake ADDED for attachment guessing afterwards using rake-task lib/tasks/trac lib/tasks/trac/README lib/tasks/trac/ lib/tasks/trac/trac0.11dev-r6715 lib/tasks/trac/trac0.11dev-r6715/migrate_from_trac.rake lib/tasks/trac/trac0.8.4 lib/tasks/trac/trac0.8.4/migrate_from_trac.rake lib/tasks/trac/user_info.yml lib/tasks/trac/users ADDED for trac-improvements public/javascripts/time.js ADDED for start- / end-time tracking public/stylesheets/application.css * added version metrics css style sheet rules test/fixtures/mailer DELETED test/fixtures/issues.yml test/fixtures/members.yml test/fixtures/roles.yml test/fixtures/time_entries.yml test/fixtures/versions.yml test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb test/functional/projects_controller_test.rb test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb test/functional/versions_controller_test.rb * changed for version-metrics and start-/end-time tracking test/mocks test/mocks/development test/mocks/test DELETED due to emptyness test/test_helper.rb test/unit/default_data_test.rb test/unit/enumeration_test.rb test/unit/issue_test.rb test/unit/time_entry_test.rb test/unit/user_test.rb * changed for version-metrics and start-/end-time tracking test/unit/version_test.rb ADDED for testing the new version metrics page functionality tmp tmp/cache tmp/sessions tmp/sockets vendor/plugins/gloc-1.1.0/lang DELETED due to emptyness vendor/plugins/gloc-1.1.0/lib/gloc.rb * moved repos-strings-addition into begin/end section (?) [better errors (if any) when loading lang files] vendor/plugins/test_utils vendor/plugins/test_utils/MIT-LICENSE vendor/plugins/test_utils/tasks vendor/plugins/test_utils/tasks/test_utils.rake ADDED to provide tests for start- / end-time tracking vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/controllers vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/controllers/timesheet_controller.rb vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/models vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/models/timesheet.rb vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views/settings vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views/settings/_settings.rhtml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet/_project_timesheet.rhtml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet/index.rhtml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet/timelog.rhtml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/COPYRIGHT.txt vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/CREDITS.txt vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/GPL.txt vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/init.rb vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/lang vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/lang/cs.yml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/lang/en.yml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/lang/ru.yml vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/Rakefile vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin/README.markdown ADDED to provide timesheet-plugin