


Rest api » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Eric Davis, 2010-10-21 06:23) → Revision 16/102 (Ian Epperson, 2010-10-21 08:46)

h1. Redmine API 

 Redmine exposes some of its data through a REST API. This API provides access and basic CRUD operations (create, update, delete) for the resources described below. 

 Most of the time, the API requires authentication. This is done via HTTP Basic authentication using the regular Redmine accounts. To enable this API-style authentication, check *Enable REST API* in Administration -> Settings -> Authentication. 

 -_At the time of writing, the API is only available in trunk (see r3310, r3313)._- 

 At the time of writing, the API is available in _both_ the trunk and the stable-1.0 branch. See [[CheckingoutRedmine]] 

 h2. API Description 

 Status legend: 

 * Stable - feature complete, no major changes planned 
 * Beta - usable for integrations with some bugs or missing minor functionality 
 * Alpha - major functionality in place, needs feedback from API users and integrators 
 * Prototype - very rough implementation, possible major breaking changes mid-version. *Not recommended for integration* 
 * Planned - planned in a future version, depending on developer availability 
 * Unplanned - no plans for an api in a near version. 

 |*Resource*                       | *Status*      | *Notes*    | 
 |[[Rest_Issues|Issues]]           | Beta          | Usable with some bugs and rough edges.    | 
 |[[Rest_Projects|Projects]]       | Beta          | Usable with some bugs and rough edges.    | 
 |[[Rest_Users|Users]]             | Planned 1.1 | | 
 |[[Rest_WikiPages|Wiki Pages]]    | Planned 1.1 | | 
 |[[Rest_Files|Files]]             | Planned 1.1 | | 
 |[[Rest_News|News]]               | Prototype, Planned 1.1 | Prototype implementation for @index@ only | 
 |[[Rest_AuthSources|Auth Sources]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Boards|Boards]]             | Unplanned | Forums. See Messages for actual threads and posts | 
 |[[Rest_Documents|Documents]]             | Unplanned | Might be merged with Files | 
 |[[Rest_Enumerations|Enumerations]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Groups|Groups]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_IssueCategories|Issue Categories]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_IssueRelations|Issue Relations]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_IssueStatuses|Issue Statuses]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Journals|Journals]]             | Unplanned | Issue notes and updates (history) | 
 |[[Rest_Members|Members]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Messages|Messages]]             | Unplanned | Forum posts| 
 |[[Rest_Query|Query]]             | Unplanned | Custom issue queries | 
 |[[Rest_Repositories|Repositories]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Roles|Roles]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Settings|Settings]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_TimeEntries|TimeEntries]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Trackers|Trackers]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_Versions|Versions]]             | Unplanned | | 
 |[[Rest_WikiContents|WikiContents]]             | Unplanned | History of a wiki page. May be merged into the main Wiki API| 

 h2. API Usage 

 * [[Rest_api_with_ruby|Ruby]] 
 * [[Rest_api_with_php|PHP]] 
 * "Python library":