

lmind stuffs

  • Login: loadedmind
  • IRC nick: lmind
  • Registered on: 2016-05-06
  • Last connection: 2016-08-31


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18:40 Redmine Help: Plugin update issues
Hey all. We tried to install an update Pro version of easyredmine - easy_gantt_pro and easy_wbs. So, I stopped the ... lmind stuffs


13:59 Redmine Help: RE: Configuration file that determines which iteration of Redmine to use
Also yields no output.
So, maybe I need to back up a little. As I said earlier, the goal here was to upgrade our...
lmind stuffs


17:28 Redmine Help: RE: Configuration file that determines which iteration of Redmine to use
That command yields no output. Should ruby be running as a process?
The intent is to pull a redmine database (old...
lmind stuffs


19:33 Redmine Help: Configuration file that determines which iteration of Redmine to use
I'm trying to track down which redmine folder is actually being used by a system. For some reason, previous upgrades... lmind stuffs
16:54 Redmine Help: Wiki HOWTO - Install Redmine on CentOS outdated info
Hello all. I'm sure, as with most things written on the internet as the nature of info is that it's ever-evolving, t... lmind stuffs

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