

Moritz Voss

  • Login: thygrrr
  • Registered on: 2010-08-06
  • Last connection: 2011-05-13


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 5 6



15:38 Redmine Plugins: Wiki.find_page fails on second loop
Hi! I am experimenting with some plugin and wiki macro code.
I have the following problem (I'm also a Ruby newb......
Moritz Voss


14:40 Redmine Defect #6131: Sort by Group By field does not work
Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:
> OH: I just discovered you can "GROUP BY blah ASC" in at least sqlite and mysql. Needs t...
Moritz Voss


14:29 Redmine Help: RE: Some users broken: Corrupt Database, or Bug?
I found a workaround: Duplicate the broken project, delete the old one.
THEN, re-create every single group that th...
Moritz Voss
14:00 Redmine Help: RE: Some users broken: Corrupt Database, or Bug?
Yep, the project is corrupt. Damn. The project behaves VERY badly when being reparented (circular parenting, etc.)
Moritz Voss
13:56 Redmine Help: Some users broken: Corrupt Database, or Bug?

I recently submitted an issue about database corruption - #6878
Now I can't seem to properly assign users to gro...
Moritz Voss


14:40 Redmine Defect #6875: email don't work in redmine 1.0.3
eMail works fine for me in 1.0.3 Moritz Voss
14:05 Redmine Defect #6878: Copy Project: Using Browser Navigation Corrupts Projects
I first noticed this when one project seemed to exist twice, containing both itself and being contained by another pr... Moritz Voss
14:02 Redmine Defect #6878 (New): Copy Project: Using Browser Navigation Corrupts Projects
Using the Browser "Back" Navigation button when copying projects (used Safari on a Mac) to create the same project (a... Moritz Voss


10:49 Redmine Defect #6510: Context Menu shows statuses the Tracker doesn't use
Yes, I mean only statuses that the tracker never uses, and grey out statuses the user can't set it to.
In my case,...
Moritz Voss


08:33 Redmine Defect #6510: Context Menu shows statuses the Tracker doesn't use
Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:
> Actually statuses that are not allowed are displayed but you cannot sele...
Moritz Voss

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