

Rick Mason

  • Login: caterwomtious
  • Registered on: 2012-05-23
  • Last connection: 2013-08-01


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



12:48 Redmine Defect #14571 (New): When updating an issue, start and end date are invalid
I have just upgraded from Redmine 2.2.0 to 2.3.2. Since upgrading, when we click Update on an issue the Start Date an... Rick Mason


10:56 Redmine Feature #12713: Microsoft SQLServer support
I'm really pleased to see this feature as we run Redmine on SQL Server 2005 at the moment. Here are some of my notes ... Rick Mason


14:50 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineReceivingEmails (#56)
Removed fullstop so that link to issue 5864 is not broken Rick Mason


18:05 Redmine Patch #5007: Time spent displayed in human readable format (hours minutes)
+1 for this Rick Mason


12:48 Redmine Feature #1739: Add ability to change issue author
I'm looking to enable the scenario in #6373 as well as allowing users to report an issue on behalf of someone e...
Rick Mason


18:14 Redmine Defect #11075: "Manage members" permission allows user to elevate own permissions
That's a good question and your scenario seems reasonable, so I'm not sure what the answer should be.
Here's the s...
Rick Mason


17:35 Redmine Wiki edit: Rest_Users (#5)
<auth_source_id> working on Redmine 2.0.0, Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 3.2.3 with LDAP authentication mode Rick Mason
16:36 Redmine Defect #11075 (New): "Manage members" permission allows user to elevate own permissions
1. Create a role which has only one permission, "Manage members".
2. Create a user who is not in any groups, but is ...
Rick Mason
16:23 Redmine Defect #3984: On-the-fly user creation fails silently if LDAP attribute is not found for new user
I also see this on Redmine 2.0.0. For a user with no email address the initial login attempt responds with "Invalid u... Rick Mason


11:21 Redmine Defect #11002: Duplicate field in query breaks Roadmap view
For anyone hitting this problem and reading this, it looks like a better fix is to change line 34 to:
@trackers = ...
Rick Mason

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