

Anton Orel

  • Login: skyeagle
  • Registered on: 2012-11-14
  • Last connection: 2014-03-11


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 1 2



14:09 Redmine Feature #16314 (Closed): Redirect back is overheated
Take a look at these code lines:
It is not used...
Anton Orel


12:28 Redmine Feature #12376: Integration with Devise
There are a few broken tests which will be repaired. The main repository is Anton Orel
09:49 Redmine Feature #12376: Integration with Devise
So, the issue is complete. I couldn't attach the patch due to limit 500k. There is the link to github commit https://... Anton Orel


12:08 Redmine Defect #11918: Official git / github mirror of redmine repository is broken
Thank you for extended answer. I agree with there is no difference between Git and Mercurial or other modern scm. But... Anton Orel
08:50 Redmine Feature #12376 (New): Integration with Devise
I have already had a local fork with Devise authentication integration but tests are not complete. Would it be a good... Anton Orel


11:43 Redmine Defect #11918: Official git / github mirror of redmine repository is broken
Folks, why does one of the most popular rails application still doesn't use one of the greatest scm tool as git in th... Anton Orel

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