

Anton DeFrancesco

  • Login: amdefran
  • Registered on: 2008-04-25
  • Last connection: 2008-05-19


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



14:31 Redmine Defect #1247 (Resolved): When attaching a file to a forum message, the file does not get attached
This can be marked down as user error. The issue was that Redmine was smarter than I expected. :) In my testing of... Anton DeFrancesco
14:25 Redmine Help: test of file attachment in forum message
This is a test of the file attachment issue seen in ticket #1247 Anton DeFrancesco


13:43 Redmine Defect #1247 (Closed): When attaching a file to a forum message, the file does not get attached
When attaching a file to a forum message, we found that the first file attached did not show up. Only files after th... Anton DeFrancesco

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