Processing AttachmentsController#upload to xml (for at 2012-05-31 10:01:27) [POST] Parameters: {"action"=>"upload", "format"=>"xml", "controller"=>"attachments", "issue"=>{"subject"=>"Example", "priority_id"=>"1", "project_id"=>"1"}} Setting Columns (0.7ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `settings` SQL (0.1ms) SELECT max(`settings`.updated_on) AS max_updated_on FROM `settings` Setting Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE (`settings`.`name` = 'rest_api_enabled') LIMIT 1 User Columns (0.7ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `users` User Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`login` = 'admin') AND ( (`users`.`type` = 'User' OR `users`.`type` = 'AnonymousUser' ) ) SQL (0.1ms) BEGIN User Update (0.5ms) UPDATE `users` SET `updated_on` = '2012-05-31 10:01:27', `last_login_on` = '2012-05-31 10:01:27' WHERE `id` = 1 CustomField Load (0.1ms) SELECT * FROM `custom_fields` WHERE (type = 'UserCustomField') ORDER BY position CustomValue Columns (0.5ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `custom_values` CustomField Columns (0.6ms) SHOW FIELDS FROM `custom_fields` CustomValue Load Including Associations (0.1ms) SELECT `custom_values`.`id` AS t0_r0, `custom_values`.`customized_type` AS t0_r1, `custom_values`.`customized_id` AS t0_r2, `custom_values`.`custom_fieldd` AS t0_r3, `custom_values`.`value` AS t0_r4, `custom_fields`.`id` AS t1_r0, `custom_fields`.`type` AS t1_r1, `custom_fields`.`name` AS t1_r2, `custom_fields`.`field_format` AS t1_r3, `custom_fields`.`posble_values` AS t1_r4, `custom_fields`.`regexp` AS t1_r5, `custom_fields`.`min_length` AS t1_r6, `custom_fields`.`max_length` AS t1_r7, `custom_fields`.`is_required` AS t1_r8, `custom_fields`.`is_for_all` At1_r9, `custom_fields`.`is_filter` AS t1_r10, `custom_fields`.`position` AS t1_r11, `custom_fields`.`searchable` AS t1_r12, `custom_fields`.`default_value` AS t1_r13, `custom_fields`.`editable` AS t1_r14, ustom_fields`.`visible` AS t1_r15, `custom_fields`.`multiple` AS t1_r16 FROM `custom_values` LEFT OUTER JOIN `custom_fields` ON `custom_fields`.id = `custom_values`.custom_field_id WHERE (`custom_values`.ctomized_id = 1 AND `custom_values`.customized_type = 'Principal') ORDER BY custom_fields.position SQL (1.9ms) COMMIT Completed in 32ms (View: 0, DB: 5) | 406 Not Acceptable []