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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
22712 Redmine Defect Needs feedback picture's in email notification 2016-05-19 16:05 Email notifications Actions
20192 Redmine Defect Needs feedback IssueLink in email notification contains SUB-URI part twice 2016-06-28 08:53 Email notifications Actions
23657 Redmine Defect Needs feedback updating custom and "related to" field from emil email 2016-08-24 19:06 Email notifications Actions
25203 Redmine Defect New Email delivery error: end of file reached while sending reminder 2017-07-20 13:40 Email notifications Actions
23357 Redmine Defect Confirmed Lose hostname/path in news email notification including wiki 2018-02-01 15:38 Email notifications Actions
22977 Redmine Defect New A project member has no access and gets no notification, when being a watcher of the issue 2018-05-21 10:45 Email notifications Actions
24882 Redmine Defect New Email notifications possibly sent out before whole transaction is complete 2019-02-10 01:59 Email notifications Actions
11145 Redmine Defect New notifications not sent for newly created users 2019-02-11 04:52 Email notifications Actions
31021 Redmine Defect Confirmed Fullwidth characters enclosed in "<" and ">" are removed in email notifications 2019-04-23 17:44 Email notifications Actions
32003 Redmine Defect Confirmed Project copy always send email notifications ignoring "Send email notifications during the project copy" option 2019-09-13 11:27 Email notifications Actions
32183 Redmine Defect New Notification sub-events for "Issue updated" does not cover all events which consist its parent 2019-11-04 03:53 Email notifications Actions
32609 Redmine Defect New PRE: texts in PRE of issue mail will be renderred as large font and with multiple line break 2019-12-11 16:09 Email notifications Actions
11888 Redmine Defect New No e-mail notification for non-members who are watchers 2020-02-06 21:35 Email notifications Actions
33336 Redmine Defect New Send notification when new issue created by email ? 2020-04-21 19:30 Email notifications Actions
33450 Redmine Defect New Notification Emails cut off due to SMTP protocol specificies 2020-05-15 15:18 Email notifications Actions
33881 Redmine Defect New No email notifications for status changes triggered by fixing keywords in repository commits. 2021-08-06 23:54 Email notifications Actions
35431 Redmine Defect Resolved send notifications to user selected from costum field (user type) 2021-09-10 08:39 Email notifications Actions
34831 Redmine Defect Resolved Unnecessary encoded CR characters in mails 2021-12-01 14:44 Email notifications Actions
36395 Redmine Defect New Mailer.with_synched_deliveries is not thread-safe 2022-01-06 17:12 Email notifications Actions
37142 Redmine Defect New redmine:send_reminders NOT work 2022-05-20 11:16 Email notifications Actions
37852 Redmine Defect New Try send Email Notification Failed 2022-10-28 06:53 Email notifications Actions
37038 Redmine Defect New Email notifications error 2022-12-13 10:57 Email notifications Actions
18557 Redmine Defect New Hyperlink stripped from the text-html mimepart section of email footer 2022-12-22 09:43 Email notifications Actions
38177 Redmine Defect New Authentification oauth2 2023-01-26 16:43 Email notifications Actions
25049 Redmine Defect New Issues which are assigned to group are not listed in reminders if 'users' parameter is specified 2023-03-16 03:12 Email notifications Actions
(276-300/4759) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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