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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
8030 Redmine Defect New Bazaar integration doesn't notice new commits to repository 2011-05-18 18:27 SCM Actions
7984 Redmine Defect New Confusing revisions links on repository root 2011-09-16 02:42 SCM Actions
7699 Redmine Defect Reopened Subversion: 500 Internal Server Error when browsing a repository 2013-10-22 22:55 SCM Actions
7648 Redmine Defect New Git: Repository Statistics Incorrect 2011-02-18 08:25 SCM Actions
7572 Redmine Defect Reopened Commit driven state setting not changable 2011-02-09 14:27 SCM Actions
7524 Redmine Defect New Root repository directory not displayed with Bazaar on Ubuntu 10.04 2011-02-02 21:56 SCM Actions
7300 Redmine Defect New Subversion integration with blank password 2011-01-11 23:32 SCM Actions
7047 Redmine Defect New Git adapter very slow when a commit modifies a lot of files 2013-01-13 21:04 SCM Actions
6857 Redmine Defect New git references leaking from subproject to project 2013-11-27 14:56 SCM Actions
6713 Redmine Defect New Git: Not able to Resetting Redmine project respository 2011-07-10 17:22 SCM Actions
5357 Redmine Defect New Git: SCM revisions ordered by date/time (should be reverse commit order) 2011-08-26 04:23 SCM Actions
5236 Redmine Defect New Can't browse SVN of private project w/o giving a login and pass in settings 2017-06-28 17:56 SCM Actions
4725 Redmine Defect New Error displaying Project's Settings when repository configured 2011-10-12 14:33 SCM Actions
4657 Redmine Defect New Wrong timestamp for import of entries of the last ChangeSet. 2011-03-03 09:14 SCM Actions
4648 Redmine Defect New Using repository comments to change issue status conflicts with workflow 2012-05-03 08:02 SCM Actions
4448 Redmine Defect New Subversion password cleanly visible in the process list and some logs 2009-12-26 17:16 SCM Actions
3951 Redmine Defect New The SubversionAdapter entries function should use io.readlines instead of 2009-10-16 18:09 SCM Actions
3943 Redmine Defect New Subversion: Directory revision list contains faulty revisions 2011-03-23 05:32 SCM Actions
3734 Redmine Defect Needs feedback fetch_changesets save local time instead of GMT in the database. 2013-02-06 09:36 SCM Actions
3663 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Problem with subversion logentry without date nor author. 2013-02-06 09:43 SCM Actions
3578 Redmine Defect New Subversion fetch_changesets does not handle moved (root-)directories 2009-07-01 22:24 SCM Actions
2824 Redmine Defect New MySQL Deadlock Error when showing a big repository 2015-05-21 19:37 SCM Actions
2493 Redmine Defect Confirmed Subversion: Error message for some of view differences 2020-02-19 14:28 SCM Actions
2187 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Subversion and Certification Validation Error 2013-02-06 11:53 SCM Actions
2134 Redmine Defect New CVS does not handle aliases 2012-09-12 13:37 SCM Actions
(4476-4500/4758) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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