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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
6649 Redmine Patch New Tooltip for icons 2015-03-06 04:54 UI Actions
6053 Redmine Patch New Fixed issue list context menu overflow 2010-08-06 12:38 UI Actions
5556 Redmine Patch New Display more projects in project jump box 2010-05-21 11:33 UI Actions
4979 Redmine Patch New Human readable Time for the issue table 2019-02-15 18:50 UI Actions
4822 Redmine Patch New Version cannot be added from issue without existing versions 2013-05-10 10:16 UI Actions
3606 Redmine Patch New Copy queries 2017-03-20 06:30 UI Actions
2459 Redmine Patch New Links and filters for project and author in activity and search pages 2016-09-13 17:19 UI Actions
2457 Redmine Patch Needs feedback Different style of new issue/timelog interface 2016-08-23 17:09 UI Actions
987 Redmine Patch New Create relation for new issue 2022-01-19 08:29 UI Actions
244 Redmine Patch New auto wiki preview 2022-01-07 09:32 UI Actions
240 Redmine Patch New views/user/edit, make password fields not-autocomplete (UI fix) 2013-04-11 01:20 UI Actions
41965 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Redmine 5.1.3 and MariaDB 10.6.18 - Queries are slow 2024-12-13 12:15 UI - Responsive Actions
31693 Redmine Defect New Bad position for attachment file description field on mobile screens 2019-07-07 13:21 UI - Responsive Actions
29694 Redmine Defect New Some buttons in wiki toolbar are hidden in responsive layout 2020-02-17 17:25 UI - Responsive Actions
29451 Redmine Feature New Replace tables with components based on nested div containers 2018-08-29 09:12 UI - Responsive Actions
23984 Redmine Feature New Add profile option to permanently disable the mobile version/style 2017-10-05 09:48 UI - Responsive Actions
23580 Redmine Feature New Bad filters rendering in mobile version 2016-08-22 04:56 UI - Responsive Actions
38795 Redmine Patch New Hide submit button in splitcontentleft on mobile 2023-12-30 05:44 UI - Responsive Actions
39758 Redmine Defect Confirmed Some pages on are returning 500 Internal Server Error 2024-01-26 11:50 Website ( Actions
39734 Redmine Defect New Forums should allow for deletion of self created subjects/messages 2024-01-01 03:40 Website ( Actions
38514 Redmine Defect New Email Notifications: Email Notifications: trigger rspamd symbol for bad HELO 2023-05-03 16:14 Website ( Actions
38512 Redmine Defect Confirmed Email Notifications: offending header 2024-06-20 16:53 Website ( Actions
38371 Redmine Defect New Where is demo version?? 2023-03-22 00:39 Website ( Actions
38230 Redmine Defect New Help page FrRedmine - 2023-03-01 09:26 Website ( Actions
35732 Redmine Defect New Clean up and reorder Redmine Wiki 2024-02-06 16:37 Website ( Actions
(4526-4550/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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