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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
5211 Redmine Defect Confirmed Gantt to PDF not working with subtasking 2013-01-15 11:40 Gantt Actions
5124 Redmine Defect New Errors in formatting of texts 2. 2012-06-10 22:42 Text formatting Actions
5118 Redmine Defect New "Follow"ing issues not updated on preceding issue change 2010-03-18 15:33 Issues Actions
5114 Redmine Defect Reopened New issue statuses not showing up in old workflows 2013-06-17 18:39 Issues Actions
5071 Redmine Defect New, setting RedmineCacheCredsMax option causes Apache 2.2.14 to exit on startup 2011-03-24 08:00 SCM extra Actions
5070 Redmine Defect New does not allow Administrators to access svn repositories 2012-05-09 14:21 SCM extra Actions
5053 Redmine Defect New Project deletion thinks 2 projects are related 2011-08-31 09:00 Projects Actions
5020 Redmine Defect New Advanced Subversion Integration Howto is confusing 2010-03-09 20:41 Documentation Actions
5016 Redmine Defect New link_to_if_authorized does not display an authorized linke if passing a named url 2011-03-16 20:14 UI Actions
4994 Redmine Defect New Issue global custom fields should be available in filters only for their trackers 2010-03-08 07:34 Custom fields Actions
4956 Redmine Defect New Proejct Settings submenu disappearing when viewing another controller 2010-03-04 06:33 UI Actions
4953 Redmine Defect Confirmed "In the past N days" filter displays N+1 days 2016-12-23 10:26 UI Actions
4825 Redmine Defect New Several related bugs relating to registration, sign in and account preferences. 2011-06-27 15:41 Accounts / authentication Actions
4766 Redmine Defect New Bad PDF files and SQL queries generated under certain locales 2011-03-23 06:48 PDF export Actions
4731 Redmine Defect New If I click the Update link too soon the update form is shown without the issue 2013-02-06 09:08 Issues Actions
4725 Redmine Defect New Error displaying Project's Settings when repository configured 2011-10-12 14:33 SCM Actions
4657 Redmine Defect New Wrong timestamp for import of entries of the last ChangeSet. 2011-03-03 09:14 SCM Actions
4648 Redmine Defect New Using repository comments to change issue status conflicts with workflow 2012-05-03 08:02 SCM Actions
4588 Redmine Defect New In status form of version view, link to issues results limited. 2010-01-15 02:11 Actions
4544 Redmine Defect New Wiki exported HTML has different CSS formatting to the original 2016-03-31 12:03 Wiki Actions
4483 Redmine Defect New LDAP authentication with Redmine doesn't return an error when credentials used to bind to LDAP are incorrect 2020-11-24 06:18 LDAP Actions
4472 Redmine Defect New Escape <code> tag 2022-08-18 10:45 Text formatting Actions
4448 Redmine Defect New Subversion password cleanly visible in the process list and some logs 2009-12-26 17:16 SCM Actions
4340 Redmine Defect New migrate_from_trac can't find table "component" 2010-07-16 14:21 Importers Actions
4283 Redmine Defect New LDAP attributes should be read as user 2013-01-14 11:19 LDAP Actions
(4676-4700/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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