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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
27678 Redmine Patch New Make "Check all / Uncheck all" link noticeable 2017-12-25 10:51 UI Actions
27559 Redmine Patch New Default branch should be always first in the graph 2017-12-18 04:50 SCM Actions
212 Redmine Patch New Assign To limited by workflow 2017-12-08 11:30 Issues workflow Actions
15986 Redmine Patch New Hook for REST API 2017-12-01 22:24 Plugin API Actions
6722 Redmine Patch New Add a summary to projects 2017-11-26 14:31 Projects Actions
3245 Redmine Patch New Roadmap - show Estimated Time and Spent Time 2017-11-26 10:52 Roadmap Actions
27589 Redmine Patch New Request for a hook under the project members list (Project / Settings / Members tab) 2017-11-20 12:51 Hook requests Actions
25066 Redmine Patch New Sort order with null placement (NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST) 2017-11-17 09:37 Issues filter Actions
27212 Redmine Patch New When deleting the projects category, its name should be represented in the confirmation dialog. 2017-10-17 13:28 Project settings Actions
25114 Redmine Patch Needs feedback Context menu positioning inside positioned DOM elements 2017-10-16 17:14 UI Actions
24939 Redmine Patch New Changing plugin loading order 2017-09-19 00:54 Plugin API Actions
26819 Redmine Patch New Create related issue button 2017-09-01 15:46 Issues Actions
26685 Redmine Patch New Check of child classes of all levels is added for Redmine::SubclassFactory::ClassMethods 2017-08-14 17:01 Actions
17368 Redmine Patch New Enable encrypted LDAP passwords with 2017-06-28 23:38 SCM extra Actions
17900 Redmine Patch New Allow change value of the time_entry object via controller_issues_edit_before_save hook from a plugin 2017-06-22 17:47 Issues Actions
26139 Redmine Patch Reopened Follow Gemfile's plugin loader as #24007 2017-06-18 13:57 Plugin API Actions
24007 Redmine Patch Reopened Change plugins directory through the configuration.yml file 2017-06-17 12:41 Plugin API Actions
25491 Redmine Patch Needs feedback List of role members 2017-06-02 09:46 UI Actions
21101 Redmine Patch New Add go-to action schema 2017-06-01 19:00 Email notifications Actions
25261 Redmine Patch New Patch for bug with call_hook in mail handler 2017-04-02 06:19 Hook requests Actions
3606 Redmine Patch New Copy queries 2017-03-20 06:30 UI Actions
691 Redmine Patch New Add column totals to Issus Summary Report 2017-03-03 18:33 Issues Actions
25139 Redmine Patch New Project link on issues list, now redirects to project specific issues 2017-02-22 21:53 UI Actions
25068 Redmine Patch New Versions show page summary moved to sidebar 2017-02-15 12:55 UI Actions
18681 Redmine Patch New Issue list api : journals, watchers 2017-02-14 10:26 REST API Actions
24837 Redmine Patch Needs feedback Bulk update issues with author 2017-02-09 05:05 Issues Actions
13612 Redmine Patch New Members roles : display group of role 2017-01-09 08:55 Groups Actions
8332 Redmine Patch New Hook for project_settings_tab 2016-12-30 09:24 Hook requests Actions
12268 Redmine Patch New Hook in mailer/issue_add views 2016-12-30 09:23 Hook requests Actions
10456 Redmine Patch New Add view_roles_form_upper_box hook 2016-12-30 09:21 Hook requests Actions
7974 Redmine Patch New Hook for adding content to the bottom of Wiki page 2016-12-30 09:21 Hook requests Actions
5530 Redmine Patch New Additional hooks on top of the issue new/edit/bulk edit views 2016-12-30 09:20 Hook requests Actions
5891 Redmine Patch New New IssuesController hook for new issues 2016-12-30 09:19 Hook requests Actions
3123 Redmine Patch Needs feedback Check additional mail headers when creating issues via email 2016-12-25 15:46 Email receiving Actions
13413 Redmine Patch New Let users choose how many days in advance they want to receive issue due date reminders via email 2016-12-24 05:25 Email notifications Actions
20121 Redmine Patch New Respect working days configuration when sending reminder emails 2016-12-24 05:07 Email notifications Actions
7976 Redmine Patch New Hooks for adding content to the bottom of news 2016-12-24 02:41 Hook requests Actions
5838 Redmine Patch New add call to :view_repositories_show_contextual hook in app/views/repositories/revision.rhtml 2016-12-24 02:37 Hook requests Actions
24446 Redmine Patch New Call `view_issues_timelog_form_bottom` hook 2016-11-24 11:24 Hook requests Actions
24435 Redmine Patch New Add `view_account_contextual` and `view_account_list_buttons` hooks 2016-11-23 15:25 Hook requests Actions
24434 Redmine Patch New Link Redmine Issues to Mercurial Branch name 2016-11-23 05:37 SCM Actions
24323 Redmine Patch New Improve exceptions handling 2016-11-11 11:06 REST API Actions
23946 Redmine Patch New News appearance with box class 2016-11-07 15:20 UI Actions
24051 Redmine Patch Resolved As a non-admin user using API, I want to be able to filter users by their username without getting forbidden exception 2016-11-02 17:51 REST API Actions
7574 Redmine Patch New RSS autodiscovery for wiki pages 2016-11-01 11:00 Feeds Actions
24072 Redmine Patch New Added formatting for email notifications 2016-10-15 06:28 Email notifications Actions
2054 Redmine Patch New Trac Tables are not converted into Redmine 2016-09-15 16:14 Importers Actions
2198 Redmine Patch New print short list of users in overview page of project 2016-09-15 10:00 Projects Actions
2459 Redmine Patch New Links and filters for project and author in activity and search pages 2016-09-13 17:19 UI Actions
1486 Redmine Patch New Highlight recent forum activity 2016-09-13 15:08 Forums Actions
(201-250/4768) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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