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Plugins Directory » All plugins » 4.1.x (261)


Logs is a plugin lets you download Redmine's log files from administration page.

By Haruyuki Iida


Maintenance Mode Plugin

Plugin to prevent users from using Redmine while system operations are being done.

Only already logged-in administrators have access to the Redmine system during maintenance time whereas a configurable maintenance notice is shown to "normal" users.

By Tobias Fischer


Mega calendar

Plugin for redmine: Brings a better calendar and more oppurtunities to set holidays.
Only tested with redmine 3.0.X, 3.1.X, 3.2.X, 3.3.X, 3.4.X, 4.X.X, 5.X.X

Create/Edit/Destroy holidays (global or per user)
New calendar view

By Andreas Treubert


Mentions Suggestions

Suggest assignee based on note text.

How does this work?

The first user you mention in a issue comment will be suggested to set as assignee for the current ticket. You can uncheck the box to not change the assignee, otherwise, it will be assi...

By Kevin Porras


Microsoft Project Connector

A Redmine Plugin to Work with MS Project Plugin Redmine Connector( It's not a XML/MPP import/export tools. It's more convenient and powerful than any import/export style tools. It make redmine as a data center for M...

By Chan Li


MIE Invoice


  • Select multiple projects or a single project.
  • Searches the total work hour by date of each project.
  • Can view the data in a table format.
  • Accepts YEN and converts to YEN, USD and EURO.
  • Provides a simple pdf template input, such...

By Tij Tech


Mindmaps Plugin

Redmine Mindmap plugin brings this essential and very efficient project management technique of mind mapping to every Redmine users. Mind mapping is a simple and modern way of project planning → fast, efficient, visual, intuitive and creativity support...

By Petr Pospisil


Mobile Issue Table view

Redmine plugin to improve issues list visibility on mobile devices (smartphone, tablets)

This plugin displays column headers in vertical view instead of horizontal, so users can browse in natural smartphone/tablet way (vertically) instead of horison...

By Aleksandar Pavic


Multi-projects issue

This redmine plugin allow you to specify more than one project per issue.

Cross-projects issues appear in all concerned projects.
They can be viewed by every users who have enough permission on at least one project, but can be updated only by users...

By Vincent Robert


Multiple Assignees with Custom Users plugin


Redmine plugin for adding assignee functionality includes default query and reminder to Custom Users.
*) Custom Users means the users specified in the Custo...

By precious plum

