How to look for professionals |
Jan Niggemann ( team member) |
2014-12-26 20:32 |
0 |
CLOSED - [FR] - Recherche de compétence : Développement sous Redmine |
Elliot Ghnassia |
2014-12-22 12:11 |
0 |
CLOSED - Redmine install on Synology NAS |
Tom Langeland |
2015-01-14 17:28 |
0 |
CLOSED - [US] - Redmine configuration consultancy offer |
Ivan Rodero |
2015-01-27 16:15 |
1 |
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 10 years ago
RE: Redmine configuration consultancy offer
CLOSED - Contract redmine developer for a plugin |
i dv |
2015-02-07 16:57 |
5 |
Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 10 years ago
RE: Contract redmine developer for a plugin
CLOSED - Buscamos experto en REDMINE para trabajos de mantenimiento |
Paul Picapleitos |
2015-03-27 19:58 |
0 |
CLOSED - Google Drive Plugin Integration |
Rodrigo Nanjarí |
2015-04-08 08:41 |
0 |
CLOSED - [ES] Se busca profesional para desarrollo de proyecto Redmine en Euskadi |
Marco Arévalo |
2015-04-14 08:47 |
0 |
CLOSED - Advanced mail handling module required (EN,RU) |
Leonid Titov |
2015-04-23 15:34 |
0 |
CLOSED - Optimize redmine core to work with 3000 projects |
Andrey Druz |
2015-06-10 10:22 |
0 |
CLOSED - Procuro analista para atualizar redmine |
joao papp |
2015-06-10 20:12 |
1 |
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago
RE: Procuro analista para atualizar redmine
CLOSED - Subversion Automated setup |
Greg Stevenson |
2015-06-15 09:55 |
0 |
CLOSED - Need help upgrading from Redmine 1.3.0 to the latest version |
Brian Schwartz |
2015-07-08 21:39 |
1 |
Added by Jan from Planio over 9 years ago
RE: Need help upgrading from Redmine 1.3.0 to the latest ...
CLOSED - Small amount of help needed to iron out glitches |
Roland Heap |
2015-09-03 22:08 |
1 |
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago
RE: Small amount of help needed to iron out glitches
CLOSED - [RU] Ищу удаленного программиста. Доработка Redmain |
Anton Ponomarenko |
2015-11-10 15:11 |
2 |
Added by Anton Ponomarenko over 9 years ago
RE: [RU] Ищу удаленного программиста. Доработка Redmain
CLOSED - Professional to Setting Up & Customize it. |
Alexander Reyes |
2015-09-16 17:54 |
2 |
Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 9 years ago
RE: Professional to Setting Up & Customize it.
CLOSED - Доработка + поддержка redmine |
Victor Chumak |
2015-09-16 16:37 |
1 |
Added by Petr Pospisil about 9 years ago
RE: Доработка + поддержка redmine
CLOSED - Pdf Export for Ticket List |
Anonymous |
2015-12-01 09:59 |
1 |
Added by Jens Krämer about 9 years ago
RE: Pdf Export for Ticket List
CLOSED - Looking for a professionnal for an installation |
djebali sami |
2015-08-26 09:16 |
8 |
Added by john paul about 9 years ago
RE: Looking for a professionnal for an installation
CLOSED - Time entry import and update by email plugins |
Matthew Paul |
2015-11-09 02:29 |
2 |
Added by Matthew Paul about 9 years ago
RE: IN PROGRESS - Time entry import and update by email p...
CLOSED - [RU] - Требуется человек который сможет перенести сервер Redmine с одного компьютера на другой |
Петр Шорников |
2015-08-17 09:50 |
5 |
Added by Pavel Sayk about 9 years ago
RE: CLOSED - [RU] - Требуется человек который сможет пере...
CLOSED - Internal Server Errors |
Adam Bennett |
2015-12-27 02:37 |
0 |
CLOSED - Need help for a particular problem (upgrade Debian 6 to 7) |
Angel Santos |
2016-03-07 10:00 |
0 |
CLOSED: Need professional for install and setup |
Jeff Konopacki |
2016-01-06 04:58 |
1 |
Added by Gil Marrero almost 9 years ago
RE: Need professional for install and setup
CLOSED - Recherche prestataire pour contrat d'assistance |
Jean-Michel Bain-Cornu |
2016-04-22 09:07 |
0 |
CLOSED - Ищем специалиста для обслуживания Redmine |
Роман Зоз |
2016-04-30 11:25 |
1 |
Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 8 years ago
RE: Ищем специалиста для обслуживания Redmine
CLOSED - Ищу Компанию для внедрения |
Павел Лаврухин |
2016-05-26 08:54 |
0 |
Looking for Redmine consulting and development experts |
devolute GmbH |
2016-05-27 15:16 |
0 |
CLOSED - Need a developer to a plugin |
imanol alvarez |
2016-05-26 13:34 |
6 |
Added by imanol alvarez over 8 years ago
RE: Need a developer to a plugin
CLOSED - Ищу Компанию для внедрения и сопровождения |
Alex Losev |
2016-06-20 17:00 |
1 |
Added by Alexey Smirnov over 8 years ago
RE: Ищу Компанию для внедрения и сопровождения
Workflow management for manufacturing |
Simon Arthur |
2016-12-01 23:25 |
0 |
Redmine plugins developer and maintainer (work from home) |
Artur Hefczyc |
2017-02-08 02:04 |
0 |
I need a developer to customize a gant plugin |
har manq |
2017-03-30 21:03 |
0 |
Jimmy Raskin |
2017-04-10 03:56 |
0 |
CLOSED - Quick Redmine_custom_workflows script needed - regex replace string in notes |
Matthew Paul |
2017-05-10 01:11 |
0 |
Create gui for hardcoded setting |
Pavel Potcheptsov |
2015-12-08 12:06 |
1 |
Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 7 years ago
RE: Create gui for hardcoded setting
Can someone help me install plugins on Ubuntu 16.04 |
Surendra Ganne |
2017-05-17 17:19 |
2 |
Added by Surendra Ganne over 7 years ago
RE: Can someone help me install plugins on Ubuntu 16.04
Detailed timing report with export option request |
Gleb Ivanov |
2017-05-19 12:23 |
3 |
Added by Gleb Ivanov over 7 years ago
RE: Detailed timing report with export option request
Move current Redmine (Linux), install to new Windows Machine |
Nurul Islam |
2017-06-01 11:27 |
0 |
CLOSED - New Plugin needed - redmine_time_wallet |
Matthew Paul |
2017-06-11 23:06 |
0 |
Consulta: Ejecutar un procedimiento propio al momento de cerrar una versión en Redmine |
Darío Lorenzo |
2017-07-03 14:56 |
1 |
Added by redmineservices . over 7 years ago
RE: Consulta: Ejecutar un procedimiento propio al momento...
Seeking Technical Copywriter for Redmine Development |
Azman Nabi |
2017-10-30 08:07 |
1 |
Added by Payam Khaninejad over 7 years ago
RE: Seeking Technical Copywriter for Redmine Development
RU Поддержка и сопровождение Redmine |
Irek Nelfast |
2018-01-29 13:00 |
0 |
Установить и настроить Redmine |
Вячеслав Тимошин |
2016-11-08 12:44 |
1 |
Added by Alex Losev almost 7 years ago
RE: Установить и настроить Redmine
Seeking Redmine freelancer |
Sebastian Chedal |
2017-04-19 16:00 |
2 |
Added by Shreyas Moolya almost 7 years ago
RE: Seeking Redmine freelancer
pay to install redmine |
blackbeard . |
2018-03-07 18:19 |
3 |
Added by Enziin System almost 7 years ago
RE: pay to install redmine
Требуется настройка redmine |
Евгений Банкин |
2018-03-27 01:37 |
0 |
Настройка и сервисное сопровождение |
Bau RZ |
2018-05-29 15:20 |
0 |
Repair Ruby 2.3.5 with Redmine 2.4.2 (or revive Ruby 1.9.3 despite timezone issue and stay at Redmine 2.4.1) |
Peter Herre |
2018-06-01 07:18 |
1 |
Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 6 years ago
RE: Repair Ruby 2.3.5 with Redmine 2.4.2 (or revive Ruby ...
I need a developer to create custom view in dashboard |
Sew Kot |
2018-03-18 09:44 |
1 |
Added by bilel kedidi over 6 years ago
RE: I need a developer to create custom view in dashboard