


Looking for suggestions on how to automatically create Redmine forum posts

Added by c p over 14 years ago


Our development shop uses an IRC server with dedicated channels per dev project for collaborative discussion between our geographically distributed dev team. On a daily basis we rotate the IRC logs so we have a historical record of individual IRC channel discussions.

We also use Redmine to support our dev activities, and the question has come up as to whether we can do a daily auto-create of a Redmine forum post where the body of the forum post contained the relevent irc channel log from the previous day. I've looked at the raw html and it would appear that I could concoct something using curl or some other command line tool to perform the insert via the web interface. Before I proceed I thought I'd ask if anyone has solved a similar problem in the past and if so how did they create the solution, eg: ruby api, direct Db insert (I dont like this idea), etc etc.


Replies (1)

RE: Looking for suggestions on how to automatically create Redmine forum posts - Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago


You can use the script/console or script/runner. console is basically a shell environment that can run any part of Redmine. runner is similar but you have to give it all the code to run at once. I gave an example of how to use script/console in this post:

Hope this help get you in the right direction.

Eric Davis
