


svn integration with bitnami installer

Added by hans wurst over 13 years ago

Hi all.

I'm searching now for a solution since 3 days. Perhaps you can help me.
I installed Redmine on a Win-XP machine. Everything works perfect.
Now I want to add a svn repository which is installed on another server. I wan't to access via svn+ssh.

So far, so good.

In redmine I set my repository-path :
URL: svn+ssh://
Username: myusername
Password: mypassword

When I save this and navigate to the repository tab, the app freezes.
A svn task started from ruby launches with the following command-line:
svn info --xml "svn+ssh://" --username "myusername" --password "myusername" --no-auth-cache --non-interactive
I know this is the initial import, so I waited about 6 hours, but nothing happens...

So I tried the offline retrieve with the command:
ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production
Then I have to insert my password, but typing in my correct password doesn't work (wrong password appears).
So how can I tell redmine to use a private key?

Thanks a very very lot.

Replies (1)

RE: svn integration with bitnami installer - Added by hans wurst over 13 years ago

By the way:
running the command svn info --xml "svn+ssh://" --username "myusername" --password "myusername" --no-auth-cache --non-interactive works perfect.
I get a complete xml-description as expected...
