


Separating issues across customers for a product

Added by Srini Subramanian over 11 years ago

We are currently using Bugzilla and looking for replacements. One of the core needs is teh following:

We have a product PRD. Let's say we have two customers CUST1 and CUST2 using it. Each user at a customer can create issues. However for the given product CUST1 users should be able to see only their issues and not the issues created by the users of CUST2 for teh same product PRD. What this also means is that any other user of CUST1 shuld be able to see/edit issues created by other users in his company and the same for CUST2. The reqd permsissions are be able to create/edit/view own issues and issues created by others belonging to CUST1 but not thise created by users of CUST2. The internal group should be able to see and edit all issues.

Is this possible with Redmine? I could not find the appropriate documentation, hence teh question. Thanks in advance.
