


Multiple instances of Redmine

Added by David Grice over 8 years ago

We currently have two instances of Redmine running on separate ports (3031 and 3032) on the same Windows server. I have been asked to set up a third but have absolutely no experience on how to do this.

I have obtained full access to the remote server, and been able to create the new folders using "rails new ps_redmine". The problem is that I need to create a new puma web service and it seems there is nobody in the organisation of nearly 4000 people who actually knows how to do this.

Is there anyone who can help with this?

As far as I can tell, I've set up the SQL folders and links, I have all the ruby files I need, it is just this damned web service that is stopping it all.

Sorry folks, I have never had anything to do with this before so am an utter and complete noob.

PS: I do have a "DL is deprecated" message and errors in "Fetching source index from". I have been repeatedly told that we have upgraded to newer versions of ruby and redmine, but when I look at the app info, it is really old.

Ruby version 2.0.0p481
Rails version 3.2.16
Redmine version 2.4.2 stable
Database adapter mysql12