


Bazaar Repository list

Added by Gabriel Delattre about 14 years ago

Hi all,

First I would like to say Thank you ! Redmine isgreat, I really love it.
I was using bzr v1.1 But I needed to go for bzr 2.X so I decided to upgrade the whole package.

Now I have Bazaar (bzr) 2.1.1
It is perfect and I can now see the latest revision modification.
But the whole list directory display is gone.... and I can not manage to bring it back.

Before when I was using BZR v1, I could not access to the directory I've got the error :

Can not find any branches or the directory is not under version control

Well, now everything is displaying without any error, but no directory listing... So how could I do ? what can I do ?

Thank you very much by advance,


*ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i686-linux]
*Rails 2.3.5
*Gem 1.3.6
*Redmine 0.9.2.stable

I've already try this :

Here are the image of my problem.
Working with SVN

No working with bazaar

svn.png (50.9 KB) svn.png Svn repo looks great
bzr.png (32.2 KB) bzr.png Bzr repo Nothing