


One service creating two?

Added by Mathew Waldrop over 12 years ago

Rails 2.8.14
Ruby 1.8.7
Redmine 1.3
mongrel 1.1.5

Okay so i finally fixed the issue i was having before, turns out it was just an authentication errror in the coding. A new issue popped up. So I starts redmine using mongrel_service start in redmine's directory. I check every things is working fine. I then press ctrl + C to exit.
I then install "gem install win32-service" and "gem install mongrel_service". Those install no problem. I then put in "mongrel_rails service::install -N Redmine -c [redmine directory] -p [80] -e production" it creates hte service.
Now it doesn't work, it just gives me a white page.
I run "netstat -ano" and see port 80 is running on a PID (we'll call it PID 1234) i run "tasklist" I see that rube.exe is PID 1234 and is running as a service not console. I then see mongrel_service.exe as PID 1232 and is a service.
So I go back and run the "mongrel_rails start". "Netstat -ano" shows port 3000 is under PID4321 still, how ever i go to and it is working well. I look at "tasklist" and see two instances of ruby.exe PID 1234 is a service and P4321 is a console. Oh and mongrel is still there and is still PID 1232. Why is the mongrel_rails working and not the service?

Also when i stop the Redmine service both ruby.exe PID 1234 and mongrel_service.exe PID 1232 both close.