


Test email not sent under Redmine 2.0.0

Added by Björn Peemöller over 12 years ago


I recently upgraded Redmine to version 2.0.1 (and added some deployment automatism via Capistrano). Since then, the email notification does no longer work. When I click the button "Send a test email" in the administration menu (Settings -> Email notification), I receive no mail.

In log/production.log I can see

Started GET "/redmine/admin/test_email" for at Wed May 30 14:02:36 +0200 2012
Processing by AdminController#test_email as HTML
  Rendered mailer/test_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer (3.3ms)

Sent mail to  (114ms)
Redirected to https://<my-host>/redmine/settings/edit?tab=notifications
Completed 302 Found in 156ms (ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)

The same when I try the following:

bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production redmine:email:test[bjp]
An email was sent to

But again, no mail.

My email configuration (cat config/configuration.yml):

    delivery_method: :sendmail

Any help is very much appreciated!


Update: I have the same issue with Redmine 2.0.0, where the identical mail configuration is used through symlinks. Redmine 1.4.1 works.

Replies (4)

RE: Test email not sent under Redmine 2.0.0 - Added by TLM TLM over 12 years ago

Exactly the same version, exactly the same problem.
only difference is smtp vs sendmail:

    delivery_method: :smtp

RE: Test email not sent under Redmine 2.0.0 - Added by k c over 12 years ago

I am having a similar problem. I recently upgraded from 1.4.x to 2.0.1 and now my email notifications are broke. When I try to send a test email I get the following error:

"An error occurred while sending mail (A sender (Return-Path, Sender or From) required to send a message)"

I am using smtp with GMail.

Redmine version 2.0.1.stable.9744
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-darwin10)
Rails version 3.2.3
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed

RE: Test email not sent under Redmine 2.0.0 - Added by TLM TLM over 12 years ago

Manage to solve my problem. I had a problem with the SMTP server not accepting remote email address from the redmine machine.

RE: Test email not sent under Redmine 2.0.0 - Added by Jeremy Cowgar over 12 years ago

I just updated to 2.0.2 and ran into this problem. I got it working. Not sure it will work for everyone else, but see Issue #10955 for the details on what I did.
