


undefined method `closed_on='

Added by Dominik Koop over 10 years ago


first some information:

Redmine version 2.4.0.stable
Ruby version 1.8.7-p352 (2011-06-30) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 3.2.15
Environment production
Database adapter MySQL

MySQL-Version 5.1.69
OS: CentOS release 6.4 (Final)

So here's my problem: When I want to change the status of an issue to "closed", I get the following Error:

Internal error

An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your Redmine administrator for assistance.

If you are the Redmine administrator, check your log files for details about the error.

The production.log says:

NoMethodError (undefined method `closed_on=' for #<Issue:0x7fe8f4c18f88>):
app/models/issue.rb:1453:in `update_closed_on'
app/models/issue.rb:163:in `create_or_update'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:470:in `save_issue_with_child_records'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:458:in `save_issue_with_child_records'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:184:in `update'

I figured out, that the error won't occur, if I change the value "is_closed" in the table "issues_statuses" from 1 to 0, but that's not the solution of the problem.

Does anyone have a hint, how to solve this?

Thank you in advance,
