


Setting "Start Date" automatically only on certain issue statuses

Added by Vasyl _ over 10 years ago

Hi everyone.
This issue presents quite a disturbance in our workflow. I wasn't able to find a solution to it neither googling nor here in the forums.

When I create an issue, the Start Date is not set (disabled "Use current date as start date for new issues" in the Settings), but when I change the issue's status (ex. New->Discussed) the start date automatically sets to today.

This is, however, not desired, as we would like to start tracking the issue from the day somebody really starts working on it (status inProgress). Otherwise the Gantt chart is disturbed or the we have to reset the Start Date manually when it comes to inProgress. This is cumbersome and still doesn't fix the issues with Gantt.

Thus it would be great if Start Date would be set automatically only when issue is moved to a certain state (inProgress) or not be set automatically at all.

Maybe someone could provide help with this or point me to a solution I might have missed.

Many thanks.