


Getting bad response from redmine REST when using SPIRA sync plugin

Added by Shay Menachem over 10 years ago

When trying to sync SPIRA to redmine i'm getting this response from redmine:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><issue><id>8028</id><project id="5" name="TeleMessage Server"/><tracker id="5" name="Feature"/><status id="45" name="RND TEST - In Progress"/><priority id="32" name="1"/><author id="6" name="Server Team Leader"/><assigned_to id="63" name="Dima Volotsky"/><fixed_version id="50" name="Charlie 12.4-next"/><subject>Fix  DLR issue - for </subject><description>Today we have 2  in each environment: - and -.
Currently we are using the same user for - and -, it means that we can't get DR correctly.

*On  we have:*
# -sdrfgdefg - #28
# sdfgsertsde - #33

We would like to use different user for dfgsderg-USA and drgxerg-Worldwide so we can have xedrgdr receivers on both and get the appropriate DR.

Here is what we need:

*# sdrfgtwesrg:*

  * Change provider #33 user to the new user - r
  * Add sdfgrsedrg receiver # 33 with user sdergserg
  * Change sdrftgserd receiver #25 to be #28 (it’s a bug)

Here are the details we got from sdrgsdf regard for the new users:
# Account Id : sdfg = routing clone of account id : sertsdertg
# Account Id : sdfgsderg = routing clone of account id : dfgsertg
</description><start_date>2013-12-25</start_date><due_date>2014-01-19</due_date><done_ratio>0</done_ratio><estimated_hours></estimated_hours><spent_hours>0.0</spent_hours><custom_fields type="array"><custom_field id="10" name="Specific client"><value></value></custom_field><custom_field id="2" name="Component List"><value>Custom</value></custom_field><custom_field id="51" name="Requirement ID"><value></value></custom_field></custom_fields><created_on>2013-12-25T05:03:31Z</created_on><updated_on>2013-12-25T11:05:59Z</updated_on><closed_on></closed_on><attachments type="array"></attachments><relations type="array"><relation id="1695" issue_id="8027" issue_to_id="8028" relation_type="copied_to" delay=""/></relations><journals type="array"><journal id="42688"><user id="63" name="Dima Volotsky"/><notes></notes><created_on>2013-12-25T11:04:14Z</created_on><details type="array"><detail property="attr" name="status_id"><old_value>41</old_value><new_value>45</new_value></detail></details></journal><journal id="42687"><user id="63" name="Dima Volotsky"/><notes></notes><created_on>2013-12-25T11:04:07Z</created_on><details type="array"><detail property="attr" name="status_id"><old_value>18</old_value><new_value>41</new_value></detail></details></journal><journal id="42686"><user id="63" name="Dima Volotsky"/><notes></notes><created_on>2013-12-25T11:04:02Z</created_on><details type="array"><detail property="attr" name="status_id"><old_value>2</old_value><new_value>18</new_value></detail></details></journal><journal id="42685"><user id="63" name="Dima Volotsky"/><notes></notes><created_on>2013-12-25T11:03:57Z</created_on><details type="array"><detail property="attr" name="status_id"><old_value>1</old_value><new_value>2</new_value></detail><detail property="attr" name="assigned_to_id"><old_value></old_value><new_value>63</new_value></detail></details></journal></journals></issue>

According to spira guys this is not a valid XML response:

In analyzing the XML it appears to happen within the .NET API for Redmine ( where the XML coming back contains an array of Redmine issue journals and they are not being deserialized by the API class correctly.

We unfortunately don't provide support for the Redmine .NET API ourselves, so you'd need to log a defect with that project.

anyone has an idea how to solve this issue??

This are the properties of our redmine installation:

  Redmine version                          2.3.1.stable
  Ruby version                             1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
  Rails version                            3.2.13
  Environment                              production
  Database adapter                         Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
  redmine_ckeditor                         1.0.14
  redmine_open_search                      0.1.0
  redmine_per_project_formatting           0.0.1
  sidebar_hide                             0.0.4

thanks, in advance,