



Results (8)

Help: RE: Customize Users display format
I know it's a really old thread but I want to ... </pre> 2. if you want better support for rails5 (although the redmine core didn't support ra ... ve upgrade my one to support rail5. ) since rails5 already remove the "alias_method_chain", the ... </pre> 2020-11-29 05:26
Defect #30209 (Closed): undefined method `ali ... n' for ActionView::Base:Class (NoMethodError)
After upgrading from 3.4.6 to 4.0.0, redmine ... lias_method_chain@ which is not supported in rails5. <pre> $ rails --version Rails 5.2.2 < ... edmine_latex_mathjax 0.3.0 </pre> 2018-12-13 23:29
Defect #28482 (Closed): Buttons are disabled when modal is opened again after exporting CSV
*Steps to reproduce:* # Open issues/index. ... is that disable_with option of submit_tag of rails5 is the default. ( ... be other buttons that are in the same state. 2018-04-03 07:41
Defect #27283 (Closed): Failed to run "rake db:migrate" command against clean database on MySQL 5.7
I’m not sure if this is a defect or not, but ... lean database on MySQL5.7 under Redmine4.0 / Rails5. h2. Description I always fail to migr ... s as above. I hope this would be any help. 2017-10-24 18:08
Defect #26636 (Closed): Rails 5: "Page not fo ... cessing a page of a plugin in production mode
**Steps to reproduce:** 1. Create a test p ... rb:120:in `block in spawn_thread' </pre> }} 2017-08-06 06:24
Patch #26548 (Closed): Rails5 acts_as_versioned fix
fixed migration for r16889 2017-07-26 22:54
Defect #26513 (Closed): Rails5: production env: NameError (uninitialized constant Redmine::SortCriteria)
<pre> Started GET "/test-trunk/projects/redm ... sudo_mode' </pre> It is fine in test env. 2017-07-24 15:38
Defect #26498 (Closed): Rails5: scm entry *.html causes 404 Not Found
source:trunk/public/404.html r16848: <p ... iews: 43.7ms | ActiveRecord: 3.2ms) </pre> 2017-07-22 12:38