


RedmineInstallOSX » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Bevan Rudge, 2010-08-24 04:21) → Revision 2/9 (Bevan Rudge, 2010-08-24 05:05)

h1. Installing Redmine on Mac OS X 10.6 (Desktop — not the Server edition) RedmineInstallOSX 

 > [[RedmineInstallOSXServer|Instructions for the server edition are here]]. 

 Since Mac OS X doesn't have the "Server Admin" application, you'll need to start Start & configure MySQL manually from the command line. 

 Alternatively, if    Alternatively you are installing *for a development environment only*, you can use another instance of MySQL, such as those bundled with "MAMP":, "XAMPP":, the "Acquia Drupal Stack Installer": and other pre-compiled and packaged server stacks.    To do this; 

 # Skip the steps about: 
     1. @passenger-install-apache2-module@ 
          • Use webrick instead 
          • You probably don't need @gem install passenger@ or the Passenger preferences pane — but I'm not certain. 
     2. Enabling MySql with Server Admin 
     3. Establishing defaults with rake and RAILS_ENV 
 # You may need to run the following command instead of @sudo gem install mysql@ — I'm not sure. 
   @sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/bin/mysql_config@ 
 # You'll still need to download and install MySql binaries from the link in [[RedmineInstallOSXServer]].    @gem@ needs this in order to build the ruby-to-mysql plugin. 
 # Start your server-stack and check the MySQL server is running 
 # Either; 
   1. Use the stack's phpMyAdmin or it's equivalent tool to create the database and user, *OR* 
   2. Check that @mysql@ on the command line points to the mysql binary for your stack (@which mysql@) and create a database and user as per [[RedmineInstallOSXServer]]. 
 # Link Mac by pointing OS X's socket to the stack's socket to trick Ruby into finding the right mysql instance: 
   @sudo ln -s /Applications/acquia-drupal/mysql/data/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock@ 
 # Start the Ruby web server with @ruby script/server webrick -e production@. 
     If you set the development database settings in @config/databases.yaml@ instead of the production database settings, you can replace _production_ with _development_ in the above command. 
 # Point your web browser at http://localhost:3000