


RedmineInstallOSXMavericksServer » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Roland Laussat, 2013-10-29 02:12) → Revision 2/35 (Roland Laussat, 2013-10-29 03:02)

h1. Installing Redmine on OS X 10.9 Mavericks Server 

 This is a quick summary of the necessary steps for a simple install of Redmine on Apple OS X Mavericks Server 10.9. This is slightly different from the install for [[RedmineInstallOSXServer|Snow Leopard Server]]. This is meant only as a supplement, not a replacement, to the official install guide found [[RedmineInstall|here]]. 

 h2. Install Prerequisites  

 # Xcode 5 and MySQL Server 

 Get Xcode 5 from the Mac App Store or register for a free account and download from: 
 Next, install the command line-tools via Terminal: 
 <pre>xcode-select install</pre> 

 Then install MySQL Community Server - get it from [[]] (get the Mac OS X 10.7 64-bit DMG archive). 
 It will install a nifty little preference pane to start and stop the MySQL server. 

 Because the installer doesn't set a root password during the installation, you've got to set it with mysqladmin: 
 <pre>mysqladmin -u root password "newpwd"</pre> 
 Next, login to mysql and create the database: 
 <pre>mysql -u root -p</pre> 
 <pre>CREATE DATABASE redmine CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci</pre> 
 Grant <em>root</em> user full privileges on the database: 
 <pre>GRANT ALL PRIVLEGES ON redmine.* TO root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY password;</pre> 

 The Redmine installer expects the MySQL client library in a different place, so you need to create a symbolic link to the original location: 
 <pre>sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib    /usr/lib/libmysqlclienrt.18.dylib</pre> 

 # Redmine Prerequisites 

 Redmine is built on Ruby which comes with Xcode, but some gems are missing: 
 <pre>sudo gem install rails bundler passenger</pre> 
 Next, use passenger to build the apache2-passenger module: 
 <pre>sudo passenger-install-apache2-module</pre> 
 This will output three lines of code that you'll have to add to your Apache configuration - in OS X Mavericks it's necessary to edit two files: 
 Simply add the lines to the end of your Apache configuration files. 

 Finally, OS X Mavericks has a problem to install the rmagick gem which is optional for a successful installation of Redmine, but if you want to display images and charts it's necessary. 
 Get the following packages: 
 ImageMagick - [[]] (Note there are two versions, one with free type which requires XQuartz to be installed - the basic version is sufficient.) 
 Pgkconfig - [[]] 
 rmagick - [[]] (sometimes the download during installation fails, it's easier to have it stored locally) 

 Install ImageMagick and Pkgconfig, both should be installed in the /opt directory by default. 
 Because Pkgconfig doesn't add the path to the executable during the installation, you have to export the path variable: 
 <pre>export PATH=/opt/pkgconfig/bin:$PATH</pre> 

 The following command should install the rmagick gem without errors (if it fails please check the paths to MagickCore.pc and MAgickWand.h): 
 <pre>sudo C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/ImageMagick/include/ImageMagick-6/ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/ImageMagick/lib/pkgconfig/ gem install --local ~/Downloads/rmagick-2.13.2</pre> 
 (Assuming rmagick has been downloaded to your Downloads directory) 

 h2. Install Redmine 

 Get the latest stable build of Redmine and move the redmine directory to your web server root folder. 
 Rename the database.yml.example file inside the redmine/config folder to database.yml and edit the lines concerning the production database connection: 
 <pre>production:<br />adapter: mysql2<br />database: redmine<br />host: localhost<br />username: root<br />password: <em>password</em></pre> 

 Now run bundler: 
 <pre>sudo bundle install --without development test</pre> 
 Assuming the installation finished without errors you can generate the secret token: 
 <pre>sudo rake generate_secret_token</pre> 
 Next steps: 
 <pre>sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate</pre> 
 <pre>sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data</pre> 

 Last but not least you need to point Apache to the public folder inside the red mine directory to serve Redmine as a website. 

 For further information please see 
 [[RedmineInstallOSXServer|HowTo Install Redmine on Mac OS X Server]] 10.6 Snow Leopard 
 [[RedmineInstallOSXLionServer|HowTo Install Redmine on Mac OS X Lion Server]] 
 in case some details are missing here.