


RedmineKeyboardNavigation » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Bernhard Rohloff, 2018-01-22 06:00) → Revision 6/12 (Bernhard Rohloff, 2018-01-22 06:09)

h1. Keyboard Navigation 


 h2. Accesskeys 

 Some functions in Redmine can be accessed by a keyboard shortcut. 
 The shortcuts vary between browsers and operating systems: 

 |             |_.Windows      |_.macOS       |_.Linux        |_.Comments                                                   | 
 | *Chrome*    | Alt           | Ctrl + Opt | Alt           | Accesskeys *7* 7 and *4* 4 are not available for Windows and Linux 
  One should use Alt + Shift for the Accesskeys *e* and *f* | 
 | *Firefox* | Alt + Shift | Ctrl + Opt | Alt + Shift |                                                             | 
 | *Safari*    | --            | Ctrl + Opt | --            |                                                             | 
 | *Edge*      | Alt           | --           | --            | Accesskeys *7* 7 is not available.                              | 

 h3. Creating a new issue 

 By using the accesskey **7**, you can create a new issue from everywhere in a project. 

 h3. Switch to the editor 

 You can switch to the editor by using the **e** key. 
 The accesskey is available for: 
 * documents 
 * issues 
 * wiki pages 
 * news entries 

 h3. Update the preview 

 If you are in the editor mode, you can easily update the preview by using the **r** key. 

 h3. Moving back and forward 

 Use the keys **n** (next) or **p** (previous) to switch to move through: 
 * stacks of issues 
 * lists with pagination 
 * activity pages 
 * month in the calendar view 
 * periods in the gantt view 
 * revisions in the repository 

 h3. Search in Redmine 

 By using the **f** key, your cursor jumps directly into the search field in the top right of the header bar. 
 If you prefer the project search, you can open it with the accesskey **4**. 

 h3. Overview 

 |_. Key |_. Description                                        | 
 |=. 7     | Creates a new issue                                  | 
 |=. n     | Jumps to the next issue view in a query              | 
 |=. p     | Jumps to the previous issue view in a query          | 
 |=. e     | Jumps into the editor mode. (Issues, wiki, news )    | 
 |=. r     | Updates the preview in editor mode                   | 
 |=. f     | Jumps in the global quick search field               | 
 |=. 4     | Opens the project search view                        |