


RedmineReminderEmails » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Graham King, 2011-01-24 19:13) → Revision 6/15 (Denis Savitskiy, 2011-07-29 09:37)

h1. Sending reminder emails 

 Redmine offers a rake task that sends reminder emails about issues due in the next days. 

 Available options: 

 * days: number of days to remind about (defaults to 7) 
 * tracker: id of tracker (defaults to all trackers) 
 * project: id or identifier of project (defaults to all projects) 
 * users: comma separated list of user ids who should be reminded 

 The following example will send an email to each user who has assigned issues that are due in the next 7 days: 

   rake redmine:send_reminders days=7 RAILS_ENV="production" 

 The following example will send an email to users *1*, *23*, *1, 23, and *56* 56* who have assigned issues that are due in the next *7 days*: 7 days: 

   rake redmine:send_reminders days=7 users="1,23,56" users="1,23, 56" RAILS_ENV="production"