


Changelog 3 4 » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Mischa The Evil, 2017-04-16 09:53) → Revision 3/21 (Mischa The Evil, 2017-07-02 07:44)

h1. Changelog 3.4.0 3.4.x [Experimental draft] 

 |{background-color:#f88;}. *This page is a an experimental draft for upcoming Redmine version#119*. a proposed new changelog format (see #25616).*. 
 It does not reflect the actual content of any of the upcoming 3.4.x releases.| 

 h2. 3.4.0 (2017-07-02) version:3.4.0 (TBD) 

 h3. [Accounts / authentication] 

 * Defect 13741: #13741: Not landing on home page on login after visiting lost password page 
 * Feature 10840: #10840: Allow "Stay logged in" from multiple browsers 
 * Feature 25253: #24089: Call to Action (CTA) and improved conversion for registration 
 * Feature #25253: Password reset should count as a password change for User#must_change_passwd 
 * Feature 26190: Add setting to hide optional user custom fields on registration form 
 * Patch 25483: #25483: Forbid to edit/update/delete the anonymous user 

 h3. [Activity view] 

 * Patch 18399: #18399: Missing "next" pagination link when looking at yesterday's activity 

 h3. [Administration] 

 * Defect 7577: #7577: "Send account information to the user" only works when password is set 
 * Defect 25289: #25289: Adding a principal to 2 projects with member inheritance leads to an error 
 * Feature 12598: #12598: Add tooltip on Workflow matrix for helping in big ones 
 * Feature 16484: #16484: Add default timezone for new users 
 * Feature 24780: #24780: Add tooltip on Permissions report matrix 
 * Feature 24790:    #24790: Add tooltip on trackers summary matrix 

 h3. [Attachments] 

 * Defect 24308: #24308: Allow Journal to return empty Array instead nil in Journal#attachments 
 * Feature 13072: #13072: Delete multiple attachments with one action 
 * Patch 22941: #22941: Allow thumbnails on documents, messages and wiki pages 
 * Patch 24186: #24186: Restrict the length attachment filenames on disk 
 * Patch 25215: Re-use #25215: re-use existing identical disk files for new attachments 
 * Patch 25240: #25240: Use SHA256 for attachment digest computation 
 * Patch 25295: #25295: Use path instead of URL of image in preview 

 h3. [Code cleanup/refactoring] 

 * Defect 24928: #24928: Wrong text in log/ 
 * Defect 25563: Remove is_binary_data? from String 
 * Feature 15361: #15361: Use css pseudo-classes instead of cycle("odd", "even") 
 * Patch 24313: #24313: Use the regular "icon icon-*" classes for all elements with icons 
 * Patch 24382: #24382: More readable regex for parse_redmine_links 
 * Patch 24523: #24523: Source: ignore .idea 
 * Patch 24578: #24578: Remove unused CSS class ".icon-details" 
 * Patch 24643: #24643: Rename "issue" to "item" in query helpers 
 * Patch 24713: #24713: Remove iteration in ApplicationHelper#syntax_highlight_lines 
 * Patch 24832: #24832: Remove instance variable which is unused after r9603 
 * Patch 24899: #24899: Remove unused "description_date_*" from locale files 
 * Patch 24900: #24900: Remove unused "label_planning" from locale files 
 * Patch 24901: #24901: Remove unused "label_more" from locale files 
 * Patch 26149: Remove duplicate method shell_quote 

 h3. [Core Plugins] 

 * Feature 24167: #24167: Rebuild a single nested set with nested_set plugin 

 h3. [Custom fields] 

 * Feature 6719: #6719: File format for custom fields (specific file uploads) 
 * Feature 16549: #16549: Set multiple values in emails for list custom fields 
 * Feature 23265: #23265: Group versions by status in version custom field filter 
 * Patch 21705: #21705: Option for long text custom fields to be displayed using full width 
 * Patch 24801:    #24801: Flash messages on CustomFields destroy 

 h3. [Database] 

 * Defect 23347: #23347: MySQL: You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause 
 * Defect 25416: #25416: "My account" broken with MySQL 8.0 mysql (keyword admin should be escaped) escaped on MySQL 8.0) 

 h3. [Documentation] 

 * Defect 21375: #21375: Working external URL prefixes (protocols and 'www' host part) protocols not documented in wiki syntax 
 * Feature 25616: Change format of the changelog (both on and in the shipped changelog file) 
 * Patch 24800: #24800: Remove internal style sheet duplication and obsoleted meta tag from wiki_syntax_* documentation. 
 * Patch 26188: Documentation (detailed syntax help & code) additions/improvements 

 h3. [Email notifications] 

 * Feature 25842: Add table border to email notifications 
 * Patch 23978: #23978: Make the email notifications for adding/updating issues more readable/clear 

 h3. [Email receiving] 

 * Defect 25256: #25256: Mail parts with empty content should be ignored 
 * Feature 5864: #5864: Regex Text on Receiver Email 
 * Patch 17718: Body delimiters to truncate emails do not take uncommon whitespace into account 

 h3. [Forums] 

 * Patch 24535: #24535: Flash messages on Board destroy 

 h3. [Gantt] 

 * Patch 25876: Gantt chart shows % done even if the field is disabled for the tracker 

 h3. [Gems support] 

 * Feature 23932: #23932: Update TinyTds to recent version (1.0.5) 
 * Feature 25781: Markdown: Upgrade redcarpet gem to 3.4 

 h3. [Hook requests] 

 * Patch 23545: #23545: Add before_render hook to WikiController#show 

 h3. [I18n] 

 * Defect 24616: #24616: Should not replace all invalid utf8 characters (e.g in mail) 
 * Patch 24938: #24938: Update tr.yml for general_first_day_of_week 
 * Patch 25014: #25014: redmine/i18n.rb - languages_lookup class variable is rebuilt every time 

 h3. [Importers] 

 * Feature 22701: #22701: Allow forward reference to parent when importing issues 

 h3. [Issues] 

 * Defect 5385: Status filter should show statuses related to project trackers only 
 * Defect 15226: #15226: Searching for issues with "updated = none" always returns zero results 
 * Defect 16260: #16260: Add Subtask does not work correctly from tasks with Parent Task field disabled 
 * Defect 17632: #17632: Users can't see private notes created by themselves if "Mark notes as private" is set but "View private notes" is not 
 * Defect 17762: #17762: When copying an issue and changing the project, the list of watchers is not updated 
 * Defect 20127: #20127: The description column in the issues table is too short (MySQL) 
 * Defect 21579: #21579: The cancel operation in the issue edit mode doesn't work 
 * Defect 23511: #23511: Progress of parent task should be calculated using total estimated hours of children 
 * Defect 23755: #23755: Bulk edit form not show fields based on target tracker and status 
 * Feature 482: #482: Default assignee on each project 
 * Feature 3425: #3425: View progress bar of related issues 
 * Feature 10460: #7360: Issue Custom Query: Default Query 
 * Feature #10460: Option to copy watchers when copying issues 
 * Feature 10989: #10989: Prevent parent issue from being closed if a child issue is open 
 * Feature 12706: #12706: Ability to change the private flag when editing a note 
 * Feature 20279: #20279: Allow to filter issues with "Any" or "None" target version defined when viewing all issues 
 * Feature 21623: #21623: Journalize values that are cleared after project or tracker change 
 * Feature 22600: #22600: Add warning when loosing data from custom fields when bulk editing issues 
 * Feature 23610: #23610: Reset status when copying issues 
 * Feature 24015: #24015: Do not hide estimated_hours label when value is nil 
 * Feature 25052: #25052: Allow to disable description field in tracker setting 
 * Patch 23888: #23888: Show an error message when changing an issue's project fails due to errors in child issues 
 * Patch 24692: #24692: Issue destroy : Reassign time issue autocomplete 
 * Patch 24877: #24877: Filter parent task issues in auto complete by open/closed status depending on the subtask status 
 * Patch 25055: #25055: Filter out current issue from the related issues autocomplete 

 h3. [Issues filter] 

 * Defect 24769: #24769: User custom field filter lists only "Me" on cross project issue list 
 * Defect 24907: #24907: Issue queries: "Default columns" option conflicts with "Show description" 
 * Defect 25077: #25077: Issue description filter's 'none' operator does not match issues with blank descriptions 
 * Feature 2783: #2783: Filter issues by attachments 
 * Feature 10412: #10412: Target version filter shoud group versions by status 
 * Feature 15773: #15773: Filtering out specific subprojects (using 'is not' operator) 
 * Feature 17720: #17720: Filter issues by "Updated by" and "Last updated by" 
 * Feature 21249: #21249: Ability to filter issues by attributes of a version custom field (e.g. release date) 
 * Feature 23215: #23215: Add the possibility to filter issues after Target Version's Status and Due Date 

 h3. [Issues list] 

 * Feature 1474: #1474: Show last comment/notes in the issue list 
 * Feature 6375: #6375: Last updated by colum in issue list 
 * Feature 25515: #25515: View attachments on the issue list 
 * Patch 24649: #24649: Make Spent time clickable in issue lists 

 h3. [Issues workflow] 

 * Defect 14696: #14696: Limited status when copying an issue 
 * Patch 24281: #24281: Workflow editing shows statuses of irrelevant roles 

 h3. [My page] 

 * Feature 1565: #1565: Custom query on My page 
 * Feature 7769: #7769: Sortable columns in issue lists on "My page" 
 * Feature 8761: #8761: My page - Spent time section only display 7 days, make it a parameter 
 * Feature 23459: #23459: Columns selection on the issues lists on "My page" 
 * Feature 25297: #25297: In place editing of "My page" layout 

 h3. [Performance] 

 * Defect 24433: #24433: The changeset display is slow when changeset_issues has very many records 
 * Feature 23743: #23743: Add index to workflows.tracker_id 
 * Feature 23987: #23987: Add an index on issues.parent_id 
 * Patch 21608: #21608: Project#allowed_to_condition performance 
 * Patch 22850: #22850: Speedup remove_inherited_roles 
 * Patch 23519: #23519: Don't preload projects and roles on Principal#memberships association 
 * Patch 24587: #24587: Improve custom fields list performance 
 * Patch 24787: #24787: Don't preload all filter values when displaying issues/time entries 
 * Patch 24839: #24839: Minor performance improvement - Replace count by exists? 
 * Patch 24865: #24865: Load associations of query results more efficiently 
 * Patch 25022: #25022: Add an index on attachments.disk_filename 

 h3. [Permissions and roles] [Plugin API] 

 * Feature 4866: New permission: view forum 
 * Feature 7068: New permission: view news Patch #24007: Change plugins directory through the configuration.yml file 

 h3. [Project settings] 

 * Defect 23470: #23470: Disable "Select project modules" permission does not apply to the new project form 
 * Feature 22608:    #22608: Enable filtering versions on Project -> Settings -> Versions 
 * Feature 24011: #24011: Add option to set a new version as default directly from New Version page 

 h3. [REST API] 

 * Defect 23921: #23921: REST API Issue PUT responds 200 OK even when it can't set assigned_to_id 
 * Feature 7506: #7506: Include allowed activities list in "project" API response 
 * Feature 12181: #12181: Add attachment information to issues.xml in REST API 
 * Feature 23566: #23566: REST API should return attachment's id in addition to token 
 * Patch 19116: #19116: Files REST API 
 * Patch 22356: #22356: Add support for updating attachments over REST API 
 * Patch 22795: Render #22795: render custom field values of enumerations in API requests 

 h3. [Roadmap] 

 * Defect 23377: #23377: Don't show "status" field when creating a new version 
 * Feature 23137: #23137: Completed versions on Roadmap: Sort it so that recently created versions are on top 

 h3. [Ruby support] 

 * Feature 25048: #25048: Ruby 2.4 support 

 h3. [SCM] 

 * Defect 14626: #14626: Repositories' extra_info column is too short with MySQL 

 h3. [SCM extra] 

 * Defect 23865: #23865: Typo: s/projet/project/ in comments 

 h3. [Search engine] 

 * Feature 9909: Search in project and its subprojects by default 

 h3. [Text formatting] 

 * Feature 4179: Link to user in wiki syntax 
 * Feature 22758: #22758: Make text formatting of commit messages optional 
 * Feature 24922: #24922: Support high resolution images in formatted content 
 * Patch 26157: Render all possible inline textile images 

 h3. [Themes] 

 * Defect 25118: #25118: ThemesTest#test_without_theme_js may fail if third-party theme is installed 

 h3. [Time tracking] 

 * Defect 13653: #13653: Keep displaying spent time page when switching project via dropdown menu 
 * Defect 23912: No validation error when date value is invalid in time entries filter 
 * Defect 24041: #24041: Issue subject is not updated when you select another issue in the new "Log time" page 
 * Feature 588: #588: Move timelog between projects 
 * Feature 13558: #13558: Add version filter in spent time report 
 * Feature 14790: #14790: Ability to save spent time query filters 
 * Feature 16843: #16843: Enable grouping on time entries list 
 * Feature 23401: #23401: Add tracker and status columns/filters to detailed timelog 
 * Feature 24157: #24157: Make project custom fields available in timelogs columns 
 * Feature 24577: #24577: Settings to make the issue and/or comment fields mandatory for time logs 
 * Patch 24189: #24189: Time entry form - limit issue autocomplete to already selected project 

 h3. [Translations] 

 * Defect 25470: #25470: Fix Japanese mistranslation for field_base_dn 
 * Defect 25687: Bad translation in french for indentation 
 * Patch 23108: #23108: Change Japanese translation for text_git_repository_note 
 * Patch 23250: #23250: Fixes issues with Catalan translation 
 * Patch 23359: #23359: Change Japanese translation for label_commits_per_author 
 * Patch 23388: #23388: German translation change 
 * Patch 23419: #23419: Change Japanese translation for label_display_used_statuses_only 
 * Patch 23659: #23659: Change Japanese translation for label_enumerations 
 * Patch 23806: #23806: Fix Japanese translation inconsistency of label_tracker_new and label_custom_field_new 
 * Patch 24174: #24174: Change Japanese translation for "format" 
 * Patch 24177: #24177: Change translation for label_user_mail_option_only_(assigned|owner) 
 * Patch 24268: Wrong German translation of logging time error message 
 * Patch 24407: #24407: Dutch (NL) translation enhancements and complete review (major update) 
 * Patch 24494: #24494: Spanish Panama "label_issue_new" translation change 
 * Patch 24518: #24518: Spanish translation change (adding accent mark and caps) 
 * Patch 24572: #24572: Spanish label_search_open_issues_only: translation change 
 * Patch 24750: #24750: Change Japanese translation for setting_text_formatting and setting_cache_formatted_text 
 * Patch 24891: #24891: Change Japanese translation for "items" 
 * Patch 25019: #25019: Localization for Ukrainian language - completed 
 * Patch 25204: #25204: Portuguese translation file 
 * Patch 25392: #25392: Change Russian translation for field_due_date and label_relation_new 
 * Patch 25609: #25609: Change Japanese translation for field_attr_* 
 * Patch 25628: Better wording for issue update conflict resolution in German 
 * Patch 26180: Change Russian translation for "Estimated time" 

 h3. [UI] 

 * Defect 23575: #23575: Issue subjects are truncated at 60 characters on activity page 
 * Defect 23840: #23840: Reduce the maximum height of the issue description field 
 * Defect 23979: #23979: Elements are not aligned properly in issues table for some cases 
 * Defect 24617: #24617: Browser js/css cache remains after upgrade 
 * Feature 5920: #5920: Unify and improve cross-project views layout 
 * Feature 9850: #9850: Differentiate shared versions in version-format custom field drop-downs by prepending its project name 
 * Feature 10250: #10250: Renaming "duplicates" and "duplicated by" to something less confusing 
 * Feature 23310: #23310: Improved "jump to project" drop-down 
 * Feature 23311: #23311: New "Spent time" menu tab when spent time module is enabled on project 
 * Feature 23653: #23653: User preference for monospaced / variable-width font in textareas 
 * Feature 23996: #23996: Introduce a setting to change the display format of timespans to HH:MM 
 * Feature 24720: #24720: Move all 'new item' links in project settings to above the item tables 
 * Feature 24927: #24927: Render high resolution Gravatars and Thumbnails 
 * Feature 25988: Preview files by default instead of downloading them 
 * Feature 25999: View repository content by default (instead of the history) 
 * Feature 26035: More visually consistent download links 
 * Feature 26071: Generate markup for uploaded image dropped into wiki-edit textarea 
 * Feature 26189: For 3 comments or more on news items and forum messages, show reply link at top of comments as well 
 * Patch 23146: #23146: Show revision details using the same structure and look from the journals details 
 * Patch 23192: #23192: Add the new pagination style in the activity page 
 * Patch 23639: #23639: Add "Log time" to global button menu (+) 
 * Patch 23998: #23998: Added link to author in Repository 
 * Patch 24776: #24776: UI inconsistencies on /enumerations/index view 
 * Patch 24833: #24833: Always show "Jump to project" drop-down 
 * Patch 25320: #25320: Remove initial indentation of blockquotes for better readability 
 * Patch 25775: Show assignee's icon in addition to author's icon 

 h3. [Wiki] 

 * Feature 12183: #12183: Hide attachments by default on wiki pages 
 * Feature 23179: #23179: Add heading to table of contents macro