


HowTo Easily integrate a (SSH secured) GIT repository into redmine » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Marcus Mueller, 2017-01-31 17:02) → Revision 5/7 (Toshi MARUYAMA, 2017-02-02 14:32)

h1. HowTo: Easily integrate a (SSH secured) GIT repository into redmine 


 h2. Scope 

 This HowTo will show how to integrate a GIT repository to your redmine project and how to keep the repository up to date. 

 h2. Prerequisites 

 * The owner of your redmine-directory needs an SSH-Key and (reading) access to the repository you want to integrate in redmine. 
 * A directory to clone the GIT-repository is needed. 
 * Redmine must find the GIT-binaries, that means GIT must be installed. You can check this in redmine in the "administration > repositories" settings. If there is green checkmark everything is fine. If not you have to install GIT first, e.g. via "apt-get install" 

 h3. Example configuration 

 To better understand this HowTo I will use the following configuration 

 * My owner of redmine is called "redmine" 
 * My redmine main directory is "/var/lib/redmine" and I will create a subdirectory "repos" there, where I clone the repositories. So the full path of this directory is "/var/lib/redmine/repos/" 
 * The URL of my repo is "", the name "my_repo", so full URL is "" 

 h2. Step 1: Clone the repositories 

 First we need to clone the repository as a *MIRROR* (not BARE!) repository. A mirror repository has no workfiles but only the commit information what is all we need for redmine. 

 We switch to redmine-user and clone the repository into the choosen directory. 
 sudo -su redmine 
 cd /var/lib/redmine/repos/ 
 git clone --mirror my_repo 

 Now all repository information are on disk, but redmine don't knows anything about that. So in the next step we will change this. 


 h2. Step 2: Introduce the repository to redmine 

 Inside redmine we open the "administration > project -> repositories" dialog. You can access this dialog also via "project -> settings -> repositories". There we add a new repository. 

 *Note:* The repository path must point to the .git folder within the repository. 

 Type: GIT 
 Main-repository: check this if the cloned repository is you main repository, if not leave it unchecked. 
 Name (redmine intern): I suggest to choose the same name as the repository, e.g. "my_repo" 
 Path: Absolute path of the repository, e.g. "/var/lib/redmine/repos/my_repo" "/var/lib/redmine/repos/my_repo/.git" 

 Now redmine knows the repository. If you open the "repository"-tab inside your project you will see the repository tree, last commits and so on. 

 *Note*: When you open the dialog redmine fetchs all changeset *the local repository and the redmine database* since the last time anyone opend this dialog. Especially opening the dialog for the first time of a large repository may take very long. Don't cancel the progress, just let redmine work until it has finished. *Possible Fallacy*: When opening the dialog redmine *DOESN'T* fetch new commits out of GIT! This means that you will never see new commits inside redmine if you don't update the local GIT repository. For that we will write a cronjob in step 3. 


 h2. Step 3: Adding a cronjob to fetch the GIT-repository 

 To keep the GIT repository automatically up to date we will add a cronjob. With the "--all" parameter we define to fetch all branches. 

 We open the user specified crontab for the user "redmine" and add a cronjob to fetch all branches every five minutes. 
 sudo crontab -e -u redmine 

 */5 * * * * cd /var/lib/redmine/repos/my_repo && git fetch --all 

 Alternatively we can directly edit the "/etc/crontab"-file. If we do this we have to add the username of the repository-owner who should execute the commands. 
 nano /etc/crontab 
 */5 * * * * redmine cd /var/lib/redmine/repos/my_repo && git fetch --all 

 *NOTE* If you clone multiple repositories you have to add a crontab-line for every repository.