HowTo Install Redmine 12x with Mercurial and Subversion on Ubuntu Server 1004 » History » Version 30
Dimitry Profus, 2011-09-20 05:44
1 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | h1. HowTo Install Redmine 1.2.x with Mercurial and Subversion on Ubuntu Server 10.04 |
2 | |||
3 | {{toc}} |
4 | |||
5 | h2. Redmine Installation |
6 | |||
7 | # Install the LAMP stack |
8 | <pre> |
9 | $ sudo tasksel install lamp-server |
10 | </pre> |
11 | # Install the required packages |
12 | <pre> |
13 | $ sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion llibmysqlclient15-dev libdigest-sha1-perl libgemplugin-ruby libgemplugin-ruby1.8 libruby-extras libruby1.8-extras rails rake ruby rubygems rubygems1.8 ruby1.8-dev libopenssl-ruby1.8 |
14 | </pre> |
15 | # Install the required Ruby gems |
16 | <pre> |
17 | $ sudo gem install rails -v=2.3.11 --no-ri --no-rdoc |
18 | $ sudo gem install rake -v=0.8.7 --no-ri --no-rdoc |
19 | $ sudo gem uninstall rake -v=0.9.2 |
20 | $ sudo gem install i18n -v=0.4.2 --no-ri --no-rdoc |
21 | $ sudo gem install mysql --no-ri --no-rdoc |
22 | </pre> |
23 | # Download Redmine into /user/share/redmine directory |
24 | <pre> |
25 | $ sudo svn co /usr/share/redmine |
26 | </pre> |
27 | # Create an empty MySQL database and accompanying user named redmine for example. |
28 | <pre> |
29 | $ mysql -u root -p |
30 | (enter the mysql root user password) |
31 | > create database redmine character set utf8; |
32 | > create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by '[password]'; |
33 | > grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by '[password]'; |
34 | > exit |
35 | </pre> |
36 | # Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit this file in order to configure your database settings for "production" environment. |
37 | <pre> |
38 | $ sudo cp /usr/share/redmine/config/database.yml.example /usr/share/redmine/config/database.yml |
39 | |||
40 | $ sudo nano /usr/share/redmine/config/database.yml |
41 | |||
42 | Modify to the following and save (ctrl+x) |
43 | |||
44 | production: |
45 | adapter: mysql |
46 | socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock |
47 | database: redmine |
48 | host: localhost |
49 | username: redmine |
50 | password: [password] |
51 | encoding: utf8 |
52 | </pre> |
53 | # Generate a session store secret. |
54 | <pre> |
55 | $ cd /usr/share/redmine |
56 | |||
57 | $ sudo rake generate_session_store |
58 | </pre> |
59 | # Create the database structure, by running the following command under the application root directory: |
60 | <pre> |
61 | $ cd /usr/share/redmine |
62 | |||
63 | $ sudo rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" |
64 | </pre> |
65 | # Insert default configuration data in database, by running the following command: |
66 | <pre> |
67 | $ sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data |
68 | </pre> |
69 | # Setting up permissions |
70 | <pre> |
71 | $ cd /usr/share/redmine |
72 | $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data files log tmp public/plugin_assets |
73 | $ sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets |
74 | </pre> |
75 | # Test using the webrick web server |
76 | <pre> |
77 | $ cd /usr/share/redmine |
78 | |||
79 | $ ruby script/server webrick -e production |
80 | |||
81 | Point your web browser at http://[my server ip]:3000 |
82 | |||
83 | You should now see the application welcome page. |
84 | </pre> |
85 | |||
86 | |||
87 | h2. Apache Integration |
88 | |||
89 | # Install the required packages |
90 | <pre> |
91 | $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-passenger |
92 | </pre> |
93 | # Add a symbolic link to the public redmine web directory |
94 | <pre> |
95 | $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/public /var/www/redmine |
96 | </pre> |
97 | # Configure Passanger to run as www-data |
98 | <pre> |
99 | $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf |
100 | |||
101 | Add the follow line and save (ctrl+x) |
102 | |||
103 | PassengerDefaultUser www-data |
104 | </pre> |
105 | # Create a new Apache site file |
106 | <pre> |
107 | $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/redmine |
108 | </pre> |
109 | Add the following lines and save (ctrl+x) |
110 | <pre> |
111 | <VirtualHost *:80> |
112 | ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost |
113 | DocumentRoot /var/www |
114 | ServerName myservername |
115 | |||
116 | RewriteEngine on |
117 | RewriteRule ^/$ /redmine [R] |
118 | |||
119 | <Directory /var/www/redmine> |
120 | RailsBaseURI /redmine |
121 | PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on |
122 | </Directory> |
123 | |||
124 | ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log |
125 | |||
126 | # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, |
127 | # alert, emerg. |
128 | LogLevel warn |
129 | |||
130 | CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined |
131 | </VirtualHost> |
132 | </pre> |
133 | For SSL add the following text instead |
134 | <pre> |
135 | <VirtualHost *:443> |
136 | ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost |
137 | DocumentRoot /var/www |
138 | ServerName myservername |
139 | |||
140 | SSLEngine On |
141 | SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/redmine.pem |
142 | |||
143 | RewriteEngine on |
144 | RewriteRule ^/$ /redmine [R] |
145 | |||
146 | <Directory /var/www/redmine> |
147 | RailsBaseURI /redmine |
148 | PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on |
149 | </Directory> |
150 | |||
151 | ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log |
152 | |||
153 | # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, |
154 | # alert, emerg. |
155 | LogLevel warn |
156 | |||
157 | CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined |
158 | </VirtualHost> |
159 | </pre> |
160 | # Enable the Redmine website |
161 | <pre> |
162 | $ sudo a2dissite default |
163 | $ sudo a2ensite redmine |
164 | </pre> |
165 | # Enable the Passenger and Rewite modules and restart Apache |
166 | 5 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
167 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo a2enmod passenger |
168 | $ sudo a2enmod rewrite |
169 | $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart |
170 | </pre> |
171 | # Test the setup |
172 | <pre> |
173 | Open up your favorite web browser and goto |
174 | |||
175 | http://[my site or ip]/redmine |
176 | </pre> |
177 | |||
178 | h2. Mercurial Integration |
179 | |||
180 | # Install the latest Mercurial release |
181 | <pre> |
182 | $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties |
183 | $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mercurial-ppa/releases |
184 | $ sudo apt-get update |
185 | $ sudo apt-get install mercurial libapache-dbi-perl libapache2-mod-perl2 |
186 | </pre> |
187 | # Create the hg web directory |
188 | <pre> |
189 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo mkdir -p /var/hg/repos |
190 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
191 | # Create the web cgi script file |
192 | <pre> |
193 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo nano /var/hg/hgwebdir.cgi |
194 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
195 | Add the following and save |
196 | |||
197 | #!/usr/bin/env python |
198 | # |
199 | from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable() |
200 | from mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod import hgwebdir |
201 | import mercurial.hgweb.wsgicgi as wsgicgi |
202 | application = hgwebdir('hgweb.config') |
203 | wsgicgi.launch(application) |
204 | </pre> |
205 | # Create the cgi web config file |
206 | <pre> |
207 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo nano /var/hg/hgweb.config |
208 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
209 | Add the following and save |
210 | |||
211 | [paths] |
212 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | /=/var/hg/repos/** |
213 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
214 | [web] |
215 | allow_push = * |
216 | push_ssl = false |
217 | allowbz2 = yes |
218 | allowgz = yes |
219 | allowzip = yes |
220 | </pre> |
221 | # Setup permissions |
222 | <pre> |
223 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/hg |
224 | $ sudo chmod gu+x /var/hg/hgwebdir.cgi |
225 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
226 | # Create a Apache config file |
227 | <pre> |
228 | $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/hg.config |
229 | |||
230 | Add the following and save |
231 | |||
232 | PerlLoadModule Apache::Redmine |
233 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | ScriptAlias /hg "/var/hg/hgwebdir.cgi" |
234 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | <Location /hg > |
235 | AuthType Basic |
236 | 13 | Dimitry Profus | AuthName "Redmine Mercurial Repository" |
237 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | Require valid-user |
238 | |||
239 | #Redmine auth |
240 | PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::access_handler |
241 | PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::authen_handler |
242 | RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=redmine;host=localhost" |
243 | RedmineDbUser "redmine" |
244 | RedmineDbPass "password" |
245 | </Location> |
246 | </pre> |
247 | # Add a symbolic link to |
248 | <pre> |
249 | $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/extra/svn/ /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/ |
250 | $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/extra/svn/ /usr/lib/perl5/Apache2/ |
251 | </pre> |
252 | # Enable the required Apache modules and restart Apache |
253 | <pre> |
254 | $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart |
255 | </pre> |
256 | # Create a new test repository and project in Redmine |
257 | <pre> |
258 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo hg init /var/hg/repos/test |
259 | $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/hg/repos/test |
260 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
261 | Create a new project with and identifier 'test' |
262 | |||
263 | In the project Settings > Repository set |
264 | SCM: Mercurial |
265 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | Path to repository: /var/hg/repos/test |
266 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | Press the 'Create' button |
267 | |||
268 | Goto to the Repository tab of the test project |
269 | </pre> |
270 | # View the test repository in the web browser |
271 | <pre> |
272 | > http://[my site name]/hg/test |
273 | </pre> |
274 | |||
275 | h2. Subversion Integration |
276 | |||
277 | # Install the latest Mercurial release |
278 | <pre> |
279 | $ sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn libapache-dbi-perl libapache2-mod-perl2 |
280 | </pre> |
281 | # Create the svn repository directory |
282 | <pre> |
283 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo mkdir /var/svn |
284 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
285 | # Setup permissions |
286 | <pre> |
287 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/svn |
288 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
289 | # Add a symbolic link to |
290 | <pre> |
291 | $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/extra/svn/ /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/ |
292 | $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/redmine/extra/svn/ /usr/lib/perl5/Apache2/ |
293 | </pre> |
294 | # Create a Apache config file |
295 | <pre> |
296 | $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/svn.config |
297 | </pre> |
298 | Add the following and save |
299 | <pre> |
300 | 16 | Dimitry Profus | PerlLoadModule Apache::Redmine |
301 | <Location /svn> |
302 | DAV svn |
303 | SVNParentPath "/var/svn" |
304 | Order deny,allow |
305 | Deny from all |
306 | Satisfy any |
307 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
308 | 16 | Dimitry Profus | PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::access_handler |
309 | PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::authen_handler |
310 | AuthType Basic |
311 | AuthName "Redmine Subversion Repository" |
312 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
313 | 16 | Dimitry Profus | #read-only access |
315 | Require valid-user |
316 | Allow from [my server ip] |
317 | # Allow from another-ip |
318 | Satisfy any |
319 | </Limit> |
320 | # write access |
322 | Require valid-user |
323 | </LimitExcept> |
324 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
325 | 16 | Dimitry Profus | ## for mysql |
326 | RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=redmine;host=localhost" |
327 | RedmineDbUser "redmine" |
328 | RedmineDbPass "password" |
329 | </Location> |
330 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
331 | # Enable the required Apache modules and restart Apache |
332 | <pre> |
333 | $ sudo a2enmod dav_svn |
334 | $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart |
335 | </pre> |
336 | # Create a new test repository |
337 | <pre> |
338 | 12 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo svnadmin create /var/svn/test |
339 | $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/svn/test |
340 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
341 | |||
342 | 7 | Dimitry Profus | h2. Automate Repository Creation |
343 | 5 | Dimitry Profus | |
344 | 3 | Dimitry Profus | # Enable WS for repository management and generate and API key |
345 | <pre> |
346 | * From the Redmine Administration menu select Settings |
347 | * Click on the Repositories tab |
348 | * Enable the 'Enable WS for repository management' checkbox |
349 | * Click the 'Generate a key' link |
350 | * Press the 'Save' button |
351 | </pre> |
352 | # Modify reposman.rb |
353 | <pre> |
354 | $ sudo nano /usr/share/extra/svn/reposman.rb |
355 | |||
356 | Add the following to module SCM and save |
357 | |||
358 | module Mercurial |
359 | def self.create(path) |
360 | Dir.mkdir path |
361 | Dir.chdir(path) do |
362 | system_or_raise "hg init" |
363 | end |
364 | end |
365 | end |
366 | </pre> |
367 | 6 | Dimitry Profus | # Schedule the reposman.rb script to run every minute |
368 | 3 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
369 | $ sudo nano /etc/cron.d/redmine |
370 | 7 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
371 | 9 | Dimitry Profus | Add one of the following lines (not both) and save. |
372 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | (Note: you will need to replace [my API key] with the API key you generated in step 1) |
373 | 7 | Dimitry Profus | . |
374 | 11 | Dimitry Profus | To create subversion repositories add: |
375 | 7 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
376 | 14 | Dimitry Profus | * * * * * root ruby /usr/share/redmine/extra/svn/reposman.rb --redmine localhost/redmine --scm Subversion --svn-dir /var/hg/repos --owner www-data --url file:///var/svn --key=[my API key] >> /var/log/reposman.log |
377 | 7 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
378 | 11 | Dimitry Profus | OR to create Mecurial repositories add: |
379 | 8 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
380 | 14 | Dimitry Profus | * * * * * root ruby /usr/share/redmine/extra/svn/reposman.rb --redmine localhost/redmine --scm Mercurial --svn-dir /var/hg/repos --owner www-data --url /var/hg/repos --key=[my API key] >> /var/log/reposman.log |
381 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
382 | 5 | Dimitry Profus | |
383 | 15 | Dimitry Profus | h2. Automatic refresh of repositories in Redmine |
384 | |||
385 | # Schedule the fetch_changesets script to run every 15 minutes |
386 | <pre> |
387 | 17 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo nano /var/cron.d/redmine |
388 | |||
389 | Add the following line and save |
390 | |||
391 | 15 | Dimitry Profus | */15 * * * * root ruby /usr/share/redmine/script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets" -e production > /dev/null 2>&1 |
392 | </pre> |
393 | 16 | Dimitry Profus | # Setup a changegroup script on the Mercurial server to run fetch_changesets after each push to a Mercurial repository |
394 | 15 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
395 | $ sudo nano /var/hg/changegroup-hook |
396 | </pre> |
397 | Add the following text and save |
398 | (Note: you will need to replace [your API key] the API key you generated in Redmine |
399 | <pre> |
400 | #!/bin/sh |
401 | curl "http://localhost/redmine/sys/fetch_changesets?key=[your API key]" > /dev/null 2>&1 |
402 | </pre> |
403 | Setup permissions |
404 | <pre> |
405 | $ sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/hg/changegroup-hook |
406 | $ sudo chmod ug+x /var/hg/changegroup-hook |
407 | </pre> |
408 | Modify the hgweb.config file |
409 | <pre> |
410 | $ sudo nano /var/hg/hgweb.config |
411 | </pre> |
412 | Add the following section and save |
413 | <pre> |
414 | [hooks] |
415 | changegroup = /var/hg/changegroup-hook |
416 | </pre> |
417 | |||
418 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | h2. Email Integration |
419 | |||
420 | # Install and configure Sendmail |
421 | <pre> |
422 | $ sudo apt-get install sendmail |
423 | $ sudo sendmailconfig |
424 | |||
425 | (Answer Yes to all questions which you will be asked) |
426 | </pre> |
427 | # Update the Redmine configuration file |
428 | <pre> |
429 | $ sudo nano /usr/share/redmine/config/configuration.yml |
430 | |||
431 | Add the following text and save |
432 | |||
433 | production: |
434 | email_delivery: |
435 | delivery_method: :sendmail |
436 | </pre> |
437 | 18 | Dimitry Profus | |
438 | 23 | Dimitry Profus | h2. Backup to Amazon S3 cloud storage |
439 | 18 | Dimitry Profus | |
440 | 22 | Dimitry Profus | # Create an account at |
441 | 18 | Dimitry Profus | # Create a S3 bucket using the aws management console |
442 | 21 | Dimitry Profus | # View your Access Keys at |
443 | 18 | Dimitry Profus | # Build and install fuse to 2.8.4 |
444 | <pre> |
445 | $ sudo wget |
446 | $ cd fuse-2.8.4/ |
447 | $ tar xzf fuse_2.8.4.orig.tar.gz |
448 | $ sudo ./configure |
449 | $ sudo make |
450 | $ sudo make install |
451 | </pre> |
452 | # Build and install s3fs 1.61 |
453 | <pre> |
454 | $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev |
455 | $ wget |
456 | $ tar xzf s3fs-1.61.tar.gz |
457 | $ cd s3fs-1.61/ |
458 | $ sudo ./configure |
459 | $ sudo make |
460 | $ sudo make install |
461 | </pre> |
462 | # Setup s3fs password file |
463 | <pre> |
464 | $ sudo nano /etc/passwd-s3fs |
465 | </pre> |
466 | 24 | Dimitry Profus | Added your 'Access Key ID' and 'Secret Access Key' separated by a colon |
467 | <pre> |
468 | 18 | Dimitry Profus | [accessKeyId]:[secretAccessKey] |
469 | </pre> |
470 | Setup permissions |
471 | <pre> |
472 | sudo chmod 650 /etc/passwd-s3fs |
473 | </pre> |
474 | # Create mounting point |
475 | <pre> |
476 | $ sudo mkdir /mnt/s3 |
477 | </pre> |
478 | 25 | Dimitry Profus | # Mount your S3 bucket |
479 | 18 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
480 | $ sudo s3fs [your-s3-bucket-name] /mnt/s3 -ouse_cache=/tmp -o allow_other |
481 | </pre> |
482 | # Test it worked |
483 | <pre> |
484 | $ echo hello > welcome.txt |
485 | $ ls /mnt/s3 |
486 | </pre> |
487 | # Create upstart job to mount the s3 file system start up |
488 | <pre> |
489 | $ sudo nano /etc/init/s3.conf |
490 | </pre> |
491 | Add the following text and save. |
492 | <pre> |
493 | description "Mount Amazon S3 file system and on system start" |
494 | |||
495 | start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo) |
496 | stop on runlevel [016] |
497 | |||
498 | respawn |
499 | |||
500 | exec s3fs -f [your-s3-bucket-name] /mnt/s3 -ouse_cache=/tmp -o allow_other |
501 | </pre> |
502 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | # Create the backup script file |
503 | <pre> |
504 | 27 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo apt-get install mailutils |
505 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | $ sudo nano /usr/local/bin/backup-redmine |
506 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
507 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | Add the following text and save. |
508 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | <pre> |
509 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | #!/bin/bash |
510 | #################################### |
511 | # |
512 | 30 | Dimitry Profus | # Backup Redmine to S3 mount script with |
513 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | # grandfather-father-son rotation. |
514 | # |
515 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | #################################### |
516 | |||
517 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | # Email Address to send error mail to? |
518 | 30 | Dimitry Profus | admin_email_address="" |
519 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | |
520 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | # What to backup. |
521 | 30 | Dimitry Profus | backup_files="/var/redmine-database-backup /usr/share/redmine/files /var/hg /var/svn /etc/apache2/conf.d /etc/apache2/sites-available" |
522 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
523 | # Where to backup to. |
524 | dest="/mnt/s3" |
525 | |||
526 | 26 | Dimitry Profus | # logging |
527 | error_log=/var/log/backup-redmine.log |
528 | |||
529 | # Remove previous log file |
530 | if [ -e "$error_log" ] |
531 | then |
532 | rm -f $error_log |
533 | fi |
534 | |||
535 | # IO redirection for logging. |
536 | touch $error_log |
537 | exec 2> $error_log |
538 | |||
539 | # Create required directories |
540 | if [ ! -e "/var/redmine-database-backup" ] |
541 | then |
542 | mkdir "/var/redmine-database-backup" |
543 | fi |
544 | |||
545 | # Dump the redmine database |
546 | mysqldump --user=redmine --password=password --single-transaction redmine > /var/redmine-database-backup/redmine-db-dump.sql |
547 | |||
548 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | # Setup variables for the archive filename. |
549 | day=$(date +%A) |
550 | hostname=$(hostname -s) |
551 | |||
552 | # Find which week of the month 1-4 it is. |
553 | day_num=$(date +%d) |
554 | if (( $day_num <= 7 )); then |
555 | week_file="$hostname-week1.tgz" |
556 | elif (( $day_num > 7 && $day_num <= 14 )); then |
557 | week_file="$hostname-week2.tgz" |
558 | elif (( $day_num > 14 && $day_num <= 21 )); then |
559 | week_file="$hostname-week3.tgz" |
560 | elif (( $day_num > 21 && $day_num < 32 )); then |
561 | week_file="$hostname-week4.tgz" |
562 | fi |
563 | |||
564 | # Find if the Month is odd or even. |
565 | month_num=$(date +%m) |
566 | month=$(expr $month_num % 2) |
567 | if [ $month -eq 0 ]; then |
568 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | month_file="$hostname-month2.tgz" |
569 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | else |
570 | month_file="$hostname-month1.tgz" |
571 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | fi |
572 | |||
573 | # Create archive filename. |
574 | if [ $day_num == 1 ]; then |
575 | 26 | Dimitry Profus | archive_file=$month_file |
576 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | elif [ $day != "Saturday" ]; then |
577 | archive_file="$hostname-$day.tgz" |
578 | 28 | Dimitry Profus | else |
579 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | archive_file=$week_file |
580 | 28 | Dimitry Profus | fi |
581 | 1 | Dimitry Profus | |
582 | # Backup the files using tar. |
583 | if mount | grep -q "$dest" |
584 | then |
585 | tar czfP $dest/$archive_file $backup_files |
586 | 26 | Dimitry Profus | else |
587 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | echo "backup destination $dest is not mounted" >&2 |
588 | 26 | Dimitry Profus | fi |
589 | |||
590 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | # Restore IO output |
591 | 2>&1 |
592 | 26 | Dimitry Profus | |
593 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | # Check for errors |
594 | 26 | Dimitry Profus | if [ -s "$error_log" ] |
595 | then |
596 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | echo "#### Backup Failed ####" |
597 | cat "$error_log" |
598 | cat "$error_log" | mail -s "Redmine backup failed!" $admin_email_address |
599 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | fi |
600 | 29 | Dimitry Profus | |
601 | |||
602 | 19 | Dimitry Profus | </pre> |
603 | # Setup permissions |
604 | <pre> |
605 | sudo chmod ug+x /usr/local/bin/backup-redmine |
606 | </pre> |
607 | # Schedule the backup to run once a day at 12am |
608 | <pre> |
609 | $ sudo nano /etc/cron.d/redmine |
610 | |||
611 | Add the following line and save |
612 | |||
613 | 0 0 * * * root /usr/local/bin/backup-redmine |
614 | </pre> |
615 | 20 | Dimitry Profus | # Test the script |
616 | <pre> |
617 | $ sudo backup-redmine |
618 | </pre> |