


HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Squeeze with Postgresql Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Kaj Ailomaa, 2010-11-27 16:27) → Revision 8/11 (Kaj Ailomaa, 2010-11-28 02:22)

h1. HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Squeeze with Postgresql Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger 

 This howto is similar to the [[HowTo Install Redmine on Debian with Ruby-on-Rails and Apache2-Passenger]], but a little shorter and uses Postgresql instead of Mysql as the database server. 
 It should be noted that Redmine and all it's dependencies are available as packages in Debians' repo's, so there is no need to download Redmine from svn as we will do in this howto. 

 First we become root and install some needed packages: 
 apt-get install postgresql-8.4 apache2 subversion rake rubygems libopenssl-ruby libpgsql-ruby libapache2-mod-passenger 
 gem install -v=2.3.5 rails 
 Before configuring redmine we need to create a user and a database in Postresql. Make Be sure to replace <password> with your password. 
 su postgres 
 postgres=# CREATE ROLE redmine LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<password>' NOINHERIT VALID UNTIL 'infinity'; 
 postgres=# CREATE DATABASE redmine WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER=redmine; 
 postgres=# \q 
 Now, let's download Redmine and configure it 
 cd /tmp 
 svn co redmine-1.0 
 mv redmine-1.0/ /var/lib/redmine 
 cd /var/lib/redmine 
 First some database stuff. Replace <password> with your password. 
 echo "production: 
  adapter: postgresql 
  database: redmine 
  host: localhost 
  username: redmine 
  password: <password> 
  encoding: utf8 
  schema_search_path: public" > config/database.yml 

 RAILS_ENV=production rake config/initializers/session_store.rb 
 rake generate_session_store 
 RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate 
 RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data  
 Finally, we setup Apache. A symbolic link to the www dir and ownership given to www-data. 
 ln -s /var/lib/redmine/public /var/www/redmine 
 chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/redmine 
 We enable the site and restart Apache. 
 echo "RailsBaseURI /redmine" > /etc/apache2/sites-available/redmine 
 a2ensite redmine 
 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 

 That's it. You will find Redmine at either:  

 your-ip/redmine or  

 Log in with user: admin, password: admin