


HowTo Install Redmine on Debian Wheezy Testing with MySQL and Apache2-Passenger » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Rodolfo Pilas, 2012-02-15 02:04) → Revision 7/10 (Rodolfo Pilas, 2012-02-15 04:46)

h1. Installation on Debian Wheezy Testing 

 This page describes the installation of Redmine on Debian Wheezy Testing, as of 29 March 2011. 
 It's actually a Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) virtual server. 

 First, the most important fact: it does not work out of the box. But it's very easy to fix thanks to Jérémy Lal. You feel hopeless and distressed, you send an email to Jérémy in the evening, and the reply from you kind Debian-maintainer with the right solution is waiting for you next morning. This is open source support for you.  

 The used configuration contains an Apache2 webserver, its Ruby-interface Passenger and a MySQL database. 

 h2. Preparation 

 All command lines below assume you're root. And no, the # symbol is not a comment, it's your root prompt. :-) 
 # apt-get update 
 # apt-get install apache2 
 # apt-get install mysql-server 

 The mysql-server installation will guide you through the process of creating an administrative (root) account. Don't forget the password! 

 h2. Install Redmine 

 This is the tricky part. Debian Wheezy contains Redmine 1.0.5-1, which requires RubyGems 1.3.x or 1.4.x. But Wheezy comes with RubyGems 1.6.2. It breaks during installation. Click for related "Redmine Wiki page": 

 There are two ways out: 
 * downgrade RubyGems 
 * take a much newer Redmine (1.1.2) from Debian Experimental 

 I chose the second option, as the new Gantt-charts are also available from 1.1.0. 

 First, let's enable the Debian Experimental repositories (see "Debian Wiki": 

 Add the line below to /etc/apt/sources.list: 
 deb experimental main 

 Then install Redmine 1.1.2: 
 # apt-get update 
 # apt-get -t experimental install redmine-mysql 
 # apt-get -t experimental install redmine 
 # apt-get install libapache2-mod-passenger 

 Redmine's missing dependencies will be installed too, mostly exotic Ruby-related stuff (ruby, rails, rake etc.) 

 Redmine installation will also prompt you for the MySQL admin password (I told you to remember it), then it'll create the database called redmine_default and MySQL user redmine. You can specify its password or let the installer generate a random password. 

 All database settings, including the password, are stored here: 

 h2. Start Redmine 

 We have to configure the Apache2 webserver to start running the Redmine application. 

 Create a symlink from the webserver doc root to redmine: 
 # ln -s /usr/share/redmine/public /var/www/redmine 

 Create a symlink for plugins assets (if cache dir do not exists, you need to start Redmine a first time and then create symlink): 
 ln -s /var/cache/redmine/default/plugin_assets /usr/share/redmine/public/ 

 Passenger should run as user www-data (same as Apache2). Add the line below to /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf: 
     PassengerDefaultUser www-data 

 Add the /var/www/redmine location in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default as the last child node within the root node (if you understand XML lingo): 
     <Directory /var/www/redmine> 
         RailsBaseURI /redmine 
         PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on 

 Usually the Passenger module is enabled during installation (libapache2-mod-passenger). If not, enable it manually: 
 # a2enmod passenger 

 And last but not least, restart apache2: 
 # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 

 Your new Communist Underground Movement a.k.a. Redmine is now available here: 
 The default Redmine user/password are admin/admin. 

 After start your Redime installation,    create a symlink for plugins assets 
 ln -s /var/cache/redmine/default/plugin_assets /usr/share/redmine/public/ 
 to enable plugins work propertly.