HowTo run Redmine as a Windows service (win32-service + taskill approach) » History » Version 2
Etienne Massip, 2012-06-14 23:36
Added link to sc command reference.
1 | 1 | Etienne Massip | h1. HowTo run Redmine as a Windows service (@win32-service@ + @taskill@ approach) |
2 | |||
3 | * @gem install win32-service@ |
4 | * drop below Ruby code in a @service.rb@ file and update @REDMINE_DIR@ path to fit your Redmine installation |
5 | 2 | Etienne Massip | * create the service, for example with @"sc": create redmine binPath="C:\Ruby193\bin\rubyw -C D:\redmine\ service.rb"@ where ??D:\redmine\?? is the path of the directory where the ??service.rb?? file is located and ??C:\Ruby193?? your Ruby installation path |
6 | 1 | Etienne Massip | |
7 | <pre><code class="ruby"> |
8 | REDMINE_DIR = 'D:\redmine' |
9 | LOG_FILE = "#{REDMINE_DIR}\\log\\service.log" |
10 | |||
11 | begin |
12 | require 'win32/daemon' |
13 | include Win32 |
14 | |||
15 | class RedmineService < Daemon |
16 | |||
17 | def service_init |
18 |, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "Initializing service #{}" } |
19 | |||
20 | @server_pid = Process.spawn 'ruby script/rails s -e production', :chdir => REDMINE_DIR, :err => [LOG_FILE, 'a'] |
21 | end |
22 | |||
23 | def service_main |
24 |, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "Service is running #{} with pid #{@server_pid}" } |
25 | while running? |
26 | sleep 10 |
27 | end |
28 | end |
29 | |||
30 | def service_stop |
31 |, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "Stopping server thread #{}" } |
32 | system "taskkill /PID #{@server_pid} /T /F" |
33 | Process.waitall |
34 |, 'a'){ |f| f.puts "Service stopped #{}" } |
35 | exit! |
36 | end |
37 | end |
38 | |||
39 | RedmineService.mainloop |
40 | |||
41 | rescue Exception => e |
42 |,'a+'){ |f| f.puts " ***Daemon failure #{} exception=#{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace.join($/)}" } |
43 | raise |
44 | end |
45 | </code></pre> |