


JaGuide » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Go MAEDA, 2017-08-22 04:30) → Revision 5/6 (Go MAEDA, 2017-08-22 05:36)

h1. Redmine guide - 日本語 (Japanese) 

 |{background-color:#f88}. *Note*: This page is no longer maintained. Please see ** instead. | 
 |{background-color:#f88}. *Note*: このページは更新されていません。代わりに ** をご覧ください。| 

 h2. インストールガイド 

 * [[jaRedmineInstall|Redmineのインストール]] 
 * [[jaRedmineUpgrade|アップグレード]] 
 * [[jaRedmineMigrate|他システムからの移行]] 

 * [[jaEmailConfiguration|メールの設定例]] 

 h2. 管理者ガイド 

 * [[jaRedmineProjects|プロジェクトの管理]] 
 * [[jaRedmineUsers|ユーザの管理]] 
 * [[jaRedmineGroups|グループの管理]] 
 * [[jaRedmineRoles|ロールと権限]] 
 * [[jaRedmineIssueTrackingSetup|課題管理システム]] 
 * [[jaRedmineCustomFields|カスタムフィールド]] 
 * [[jaRedmineEnumerations|列挙項目]] 
 * [[jaRedmineSettings|アプリケーションの設定]] 

 h3. 高度な設定 

 * [[jaRedmineRepositories|リポジトリの設定]] 
 * [[jaRedmineReceivingEmails|メールによるチケットの登録]] 
 * [[jaRedmineReminderEmails|リマインダメールの送信]] 
 * [[jaRedmineLDAP|LDAP認証]] 

 h2. ユーザーガイド 

 * [[jaRedmineAccounts|アカウント]] 
 * [[jaRedmineUserProfiles|User profiles]] 
 * [[jaRedmineLogin|ログイン]] 
 * [[jaRedmineRegister|登録]] 

 * [[jaRedmineProjectsList|Projects]] 
 * [[jaRedmineSearch|検索]] 

 * [[jaRedmineProjectOverview|概要]] 
 * [[jaRedmineProjectActivity|活動]] 
 * [[jaRedmineIssues|チケット]] 
 ** [[jaRedmineIssueList|チケット一覧]] 
 *** [[jaRedmineIssueChangelog|変更記録]] 
 *** [[jaRedmineIssueSummary|Issue summary]] 
 ** [[jaRedmineRoadmap|ロードマップ]] 
 *** [[jaRedmineVersion|バージョン]] 
 * [[jaRedmineTimeTracking|時間トラッキング(工数管理)]] 
 ** [[jaRedmineTimelogDetails|Spent-time details]] 
 ** [[jaRedmineTimelogReport|Spent-time report]] 
 * [[jaRedmineGantt|Gantt]] 
 * [[jaRedmineCalendar|Calendar]] 
 * [[jaRedmineNews|News]] 
 * [[jaRedmineDocuments|Documents]] 
 * [[jaRedmineFiles|ファイル]] 
 * [[jaRedmineForums|Forums]] 
 * [[jaRedmineWikis|Wikis]] 
 * [[jaRedmineRepository|Repository]] 
 ** [[jaRedmineRepositoryStatistics|Statistics]] 
 * [[jaRedmineProjectSettings|プロジェクトの設定]] 

 * [[jaRedmineAttachedFiles|Files attached to Redmine resources]] 

 * [[jaRedmineTextFormatting|RedmineのWiki記法]] 

 h2. Developer guide 

 h3. General development 

 * [[jaCoding Standards]] 
 * [[jaRest_api|Redmine REST API]] 
 * Subversion instructions can be found on the usual [[jaDownload|download]] page and checking-out URL's on the [[jaCheckingoutRedmine|checkout-page]] 
 * [[jaRedmineGitTracking|Using the Git Tracking Branch]] -- an alternative if you use Git 
 * Creating and applying [[jaPatch|patches]] 
 * An [[jaReleaseManagement|explanation]] of what changes may be in future Redmine releases 
 * A description of the content of both the [[jaPlugin List|Redmine plugin list]] and the [[jaTheme List|Redmine theme list]] can be found at the "[[jaExtensionListInfo|extension list info]]" page 
 * The [[jaReleaseProcess|release process]] for Redmine 

 h3. Plugin development 

 * A step-by-step [[jaPlugin_Tutorial|tutorial]] on writing a Redmine plugin 
 * A description of the [[jaPlugin_Internals|internal handling of Redmine plugins]] 
 * A description of the [[jaHooks|Redmine plugin hooks API]] 
 * An incomplete [[jaHooks_List|list of available Redmine plugin hooks]] 

 h3. テーマの作成 

 * [[jaHowTo create a custom Redmine theme|Redmineのカスタムテーマの作成]] 

 h3. Alternative/Custom Authentication 

 * A howto ([[jaAlternative/custom authentication HowTo]]) for implementing authentication against a different database.