


Rest api with php » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Robert Nürnberg, 2011-10-05 12:31) → Revision 10/14 (Mischa The Evil, 2011-10-05 18:25)

h1. Using the REST API with PHP 

 Here is an example that uses "PHP ActiveResource":, a lightweight PHP library that can be used to access Rails' REST APIs: 

 <code class="php"> 
 require_once ('ActiveResource.php'); 

 class Issue extends ActiveResource { 
     var $site = 'http://username:password@'; 
     var $request_format = 'xml'; // REQUIRED! 

 // create a new issue 
 $issue = new Issue (array ('subject' => 'XML REST API', 'project_id' => '1')); 
 $issue->save (); 
 echo $issue->id; 

 // find issues 
 $issues = $issue->find ('all'); 
 for ($i=0; $i < count($issues); $i++) { 
	 echo $issues[$i]->subject; 

 // find and update an issue 
 $issue->find (1); 
 echo $issue->subject; 
 $issue->set ('subject', 'This is the new subject')->save (); 

 // delete an issue 
 $issue->find (1); 
 $issue->destroy (); 

 *Known issues* 

 * If you are working with large descriptions, descriptions the webserver can return a 417 error (Bad Expectation). 
 You should replace line 381 in _ActiveResource.php_ ActiveResource.php with the following code: 
 <pre><code class="php">curl_setopt 

 <pre>curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ('Expect:',"Content-Type: text/xml", "Length: " . strlen ($params)));</code></pre> ($params)));</pre> 

 * If you are trying to use the class to write @time_entries@, time_entries, you will get a 404 response (#9375). response. The reason for reasone is, that is that the class is unable to create the correct singular form from the pluralized version of the entity entitiy name. 
 This this can be patched in _ActiveResource.php_ by: 

 # adding the class variable @$sOriginalElementName@: 
 <pre><code var <code class="php">protected $sOriginalElementName = '';</code></pre> '';</code> 
 # changing the constructor to set the class variable var using the original entity name before the pluralization is called: 
 <code class="php"> 
 function __construct ($data = array ()) { 
   $this->_data = $data; 

   // add this line here - to store the original name of the entity 
   $this->sOriginalElementName = ($this->element_name ? $this->element_name : strtolower (get_class ($this))); 
   // Allow class-defined element name or use class name if not defined 
   $this->element_name = ($this->element_name ? $this->pleuralize ($this->element_name) : $this->pleuralize (strtolower (get_class ($this)))); 
 </code></pre> </code> 
 # and then changing Changing the method @_send_and_receive@ Method _send_and_receive to use @$sOriginalElementName@ sOriginalElementName instead of @substr substr ($this->element_name, 0, -1)@: -1); 
 <pre><code <code class="php"> 
 function _send_and_receive ($url, $method, $data = array ()) { 
   $params = ''; 
   $el = $this->sOriginalElementName;//substr ($this->element_name, 0, -1); 
   if ($this->request_format == 'url') { 
 </code></pre> </code>