


Patch #31344 » remove-label_please_login.diff

Go MAEDA, 2019-05-12 01:07

View differences:

config/locales/ar.yml (作業コピー)
502 502
  label_enumeration_new: قيمة جديدة
503 503
  label_information: معلومة
504 504
  label_information_plural: معلومات
  label_please_login: برجى تسجيل الدخول
506 505
  label_register: تسجيل
507 506
  label_login_with_open_id_option: او الدخول بهوية مفتوحة
508 507
  label_password_lost: فقدت كلمة السر
config/locales/az.yml (作業コピー)
591 591
  label_password_lost: Parolun bərpası
592 592
  label_permissions_report: Giriş hüquqları üzrə hesabat 
593 593
  label_permissions: Giriş hüquqları
  label_please_login: Xahiş edirik, daxil olun.
595 594
  label_plugins: Modullar
596 595
  label_precedes: növbəti
597 596
  label_preferences: Üstünlük
config/locales/bg.yml (作業コピー)
608 608
  label_enumeration_new: Нова стойност
609 609
  label_information: Информация
610 610
  label_information_plural: Информация
  label_please_login: Вход
612 611
  label_register: Регистрация
613 612
  label_login_with_open_id_option: или вход чрез OpenID
614 613
  label_password_lost: Забравена парола
config/locales/bs.yml (作業コピー)
436 436
  label_enumeration_new: Nova vrijednost
437 437
  label_information: Informacija
438 438
  label_information_plural: Informacije
  label_please_login: Molimo prijavite se
440 439
  label_register: Registracija
441 440
  label_login_with_open_id_option: ili prijava sa OpenID-om
442 441
  label_password_lost: Izgubljena lozinka
config/locales/ca.yml (作業コピー)
473 473
  label_enumeration_new: "Nou valor"
474 474
  label_information: "Informació"
475 475
  label_information_plural: "Informació"
  label_please_login: "Si us plau, inicieu sessió"
477 476
  label_register: "Registrar"
478 477
  label_login_with_open_id_option: "o entrar amb OpenID"
479 478
  label_password_lost: "Has oblidat la contrasenya?"
config/locales/cs.yml (作業コピー)
484 484
  label_enumeration_new: Nová hodnota
485 485
  label_information: Informace
486 486
  label_information_plural: Informace
  label_please_login: Přihlašte se, prosím
488 487
  label_register: Registrovat
489 488
  label_login_with_open_id_option: nebo se přihlašte s OpenID
490 489
  label_password_lost: Zapomenuté heslo
config/locales/da.yml (作業コピー)
367 367
  label_enumeration_new: Ny værdi
368 368
  label_information: Information
369 369
  label_information_plural: Information
  label_please_login: Login
371 370
  label_register: Registrér
372 371
  label_password_lost: Glemt kodeord
373 372
  label_home: Forside
config/locales/de.yml (作業コピー)
678 678
  label_password_required: Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein
679 679
  label_permissions: Berechtigungen
680 680
  label_permissions_report: Berechtigungsübersicht
  label_please_login: Anmelden
682 681
  label_plugins: Plugins
683 682
  label_precedes: Vorgänger von
684 683
  label_preferences: Präferenzen
config/locales/el.yml (作業コピー)
435 435
  label_enumeration_new: Νέα τιμή
436 436
  label_information: Πληροφορία
437 437
  label_information_plural: Πληροφορίες
  label_please_login: Παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε
439 438
  label_register: Εγγραφή
440 439
  label_login_with_open_id_option: ή συνδεθείτε με OpenID
441 440
  label_password_lost: Ανάκτηση κωδικού πρόσβασης
config/locales/en-GB.yml (作業コピー)
490 490
  label_enumeration_new: New value
491 491
  label_information: Information
492 492
  label_information_plural: Information
  label_please_login: Please log in
494 493
  label_register: Register
495 494
  label_login_with_open_id_option: or login with OpenID
496 495
  label_password_lost: Lost password
config/locales/en.yml (作業コピー)
611 611
  label_enumeration_new: New value
612 612
  label_information: Information
613 613
  label_information_plural: Information
  label_please_login: Please log in
615 614
  label_register: Register
616 615
  label_login_with_open_id_option: or login with OpenID
617 616
  label_password_lost: Lost password
config/locales/es-PA.yml (作業コピー)
548 548
  label_password_lost: ¿Olvidaste la contraseña?
549 549
  label_permissions: Permisos
550 550
  label_permissions_report: Informe de permisos
  label_please_login: Por favor, inicie sesión
552 551
  label_plugins: Extensiones
553 552
  label_precedes: anterior a
554 553
  label_preferences: Preferencias
config/locales/es.yml (作業コピー)
546 546
  label_password_lost: ¿Olvidaste la contraseña?
547 547
  label_permissions: Permisos
548 548
  label_permissions_report: Informe de permisos
  label_please_login: Por favor, inicie sesión
550 549
  label_plugins: Extensiones
551 550
  label_precedes: anterior a
552 551
  label_preferences: Preferencias
config/locales/et.yml (作業コピー)
528 528
  label_enumeration_new: "Lisa"
529 529
  label_information: "Teave"
530 530
  label_information_plural: "Teave"
  label_please_login: "Palun logi sisse"
532 531
  label_register: "Registreeru"
533 532
  label_login_with_open_id_option: "või logi sisse OpenID-ga"
534 533
  label_password_lost: "Kui parool on ununud..."
config/locales/eu.yml (作業コピー)
456 456
  label_enumeration_new: Balio berria
457 457
  label_information: Informazioa
458 458
  label_information_plural: Informazioa
  label_please_login: Saioa hasi mesedez
460 459
  label_register: Erregistratu
461 460
  label_login_with_open_id_option: edo OpenID-rekin saioa hasi
462 461
  label_password_lost: Pasahitza galduta
config/locales/fa.yml (作業コピー)
598 598
  label_enumeration_new: مقدار جدید
599 599
  label_information: اطلاعات
600 600
  label_information_plural: اطلاعات
  label_please_login: وارد شوید
602 601
  label_register: ثبت نام
603 602
  label_login_with_open_id_option: یا با OpenID وارد شوید
604 603
  label_password_lost: بازیابی گذرواژه
config/locales/fi.yml (作業コピー)
363 363
  label_enumeration_new: Uusi arvo
364 364
  label_information: Tieto
365 365
  label_information_plural: Tiedot
  label_please_login: Kirjaudu ole hyvä
367 366
  label_register: Rekisteröidy
368 367
  label_password_lost: Hukattu salasana
369 368
  label_home: Koti
config/locales/fr.yml (作業コピー)
611 611
  label_enumeration_new: Nouvelle valeur
612 612
  label_information: Information
613 613
  label_information_plural: Informations
  label_please_login: Identification
615 614
  label_register: S'enregistrer
616 615
  label_login_with_open_id_option: S'authentifier avec OpenID
617 616
  label_password_lost: Mot de passe perdu
config/locales/gl.yml (作業コピー)
521 521
  label_password_lost: "Esqueceu o contrasinal?"
522 522
  label_permissions: Permisos
523 523
  label_permissions_report: Informe de permisos
  label_please_login: "Acceder"
525 524
  label_plugins: Complementos
526 525
  label_precedes: anterior a
527 526
  label_preferences: Preferencias
config/locales/he.yml (作業コピー)
477 477
  label_enumeration_new: ערך חדש
478 478
  label_information: מידע
479 479
  label_information_plural: מידע
  label_please_login: נא התחבר
481 480
  label_register: הרשמה
482 481
  label_login_with_open_id_option: או התחבר באמצעות OpenID
483 482
  label_password_lost: אבדה הסיסמה?
config/locales/hr.yml (作業コピー)
447 447
  label_enumeration_new: Nova vrijednost
448 448
  label_information: Informacija
449 449
  label_information_plural: Informacije
  label_please_login: Molim prijavite se
451 450
  label_register: Registracija
452 451
  label_login_with_open_id_option: or login with OpenID
453 452
  label_password_lost: Izgubljena zaporka
config/locales/hu.yml (作業コピー)
379 379
  label_enumeration_new: Új érték
380 380
  label_information: Információ
381 381
  label_information_plural: Információk
  label_please_login: Jelentkezzen be
383 382
  label_register: Regisztráljon
384 383
  label_password_lost: Elfelejtett jelszó
385 384
  label_home: Kezdőlap
config/locales/id.yml (作業コピー)
441 441
  label_enumeration_new: Buat baru
442 442
  label_information: Informasi
443 443
  label_information_plural: Informasi
  label_please_login: Silakan login
445 444
  label_register: mendaftar
446 445
  label_login_with_open_id_option: atau login menggunakan OpenID
447 446
  label_password_lost: Lupa password
config/locales/it.yml (作業コピー)
323 323
  label_enumeration_new: Nuovo valore
324 324
  label_information: Informazione
325 325
  label_information_plural: Informazioni
  label_please_login: Entra
327 326
  label_register: Registrati
328 327
  label_password_lost: Password dimenticata
329 328
  label_home: Home
config/locales/ja.yml (作業コピー)
514 514
  label_enumeration_new: 新しい値
515 515
  label_information: 情報
516 516
  label_information_plural: 情報
  label_please_login: ログインしてください
518 517
  label_register: 登録する
519 518
  label_login_with_open_id_option: またはOpenIDでログインする
520 519
  label_password_lost: パスワードの再発行
config/locales/ko.yml (作業コピー)
478 478
  label_enumeration_new: 새 코드값
479 479
  label_information: 정보
480 480
  label_information_plural: 정보
  label_please_login: 로그인하세요.
482 481
  label_register: 등록
483 482
  label_login_with_open_id_option: 또는 OpenID로 로그인
484 483
  label_password_lost: 비밀번호 찾기
config/locales/lt.yml (作業コピー)
578 578
  label_enumeration_new: Nauja vertė
579 579
  label_information: Informacija
580 580
  label_information_plural: Informacija
  label_please_login: Prašom prisijungti
582 581
  label_register: Užsiregistruoti
583 582
  label_login_with_open_id_option: arba prisijunkite su OpenID
584 583
  label_password_lost: Prarastas slaptažodis
config/locales/lv.yml (作業コピー)
451 451
  label_enumeration_new: Jauna vērtība
452 452
  label_information: Informācija
453 453
  label_information_plural: Informācija
  label_please_login: Lūdzu pieslēdzieties
455 454
  label_register: Reģistrēties
456 455
  label_login_with_open_id_option: vai pieslēgties ar OpenID
457 456
  label_password_lost: Nozaudēta parole
config/locales/mk.yml (作業コピー)
469 469
  label_enumeration_new: Нова вредност
470 470
  label_information: Информација
471 471
  label_information_plural: Информации
  label_please_login: Најави се
473 472
  label_register: Регистрирај се
474 473
  label_login_with_open_id_option: или најави се со OpenID
475 474
  label_password_lost: Изгубена лозинка
config/locales/mn.yml (作業コピー)
457 457
  label_enumeration_new: Шинэ утга
458 458
  label_information: Мэдээлэл
459 459
  label_information_plural: Мэдээллүүд
  label_please_login: Нэвтэрч орно уу
461 460
  label_register: Бүртгүүлэх
462 461
  label_login_with_open_id_option: or login with OpenID
463 462
  label_password_lost: Нууц үгээ алдсан
config/locales/nl.yml (作業コピー)
490 490
  label_password_lost: Wachtwoord vergeten
491 491
  label_permissions: Permissies
492 492
  label_permissions_report: Permissierapport
  label_please_login: Gelieve in te loggen
494 493
  label_plugins: Plugins
495 494
  label_precedes: gaat vooraf aan
496 495
  label_preferences: Voorkeuren
config/locales/no.yml (作業コピー)
350 350
  label_enumeration_new: Ny verdi
351 351
  label_information: Informasjon
352 352
  label_information_plural: Informasjon
  label_please_login: Vennlist logg inn
354 353
  label_register: Registrer
355 354
  label_password_lost: Mistet passord
356 355
  label_home: Hjem
config/locales/pl.yml (作業コピー)
521 521
  label_password_lost: Zapomniane hasło
522 522
  label_permissions: Uprawnienia
523 523
  label_permissions_report: Raport uprawnień
  label_please_login: Zaloguj się
525 524
  label_plugins: Wtyczki
526 525
  label_precedes: poprzedza
527 526
  label_preferences: Preferencje
config/locales/pt-BR.yml (作業コピー)
390 390
  label_enumeration_new: Novo
391 391
  label_information: Informação
392 392
  label_information_plural: Informações
  label_please_login: Efetue o login
394 393
  label_register: Cadastre-se
395 394
  label_password_lost: Perdi minha senha
396 395
  label_home: Página inicial
config/locales/pt.yml (作業コピー)
373 373
  label_enumeration_new: Novo valor
374 374
  label_information: Informação
375 375
  label_information_plural: Informações
  label_please_login: Por favor autentique-se
377 376
  label_register: Registar
378 377
  label_password_lost: Perdi a palavra-chave
379 378
  label_home: Página Inicial
config/locales/ro.yml (作業コピー)
419 419
  label_enumeration_new: Valoare nouă
420 420
  label_information: Informație
421 421
  label_information_plural: Informații
  label_please_login: Vă rugăm să vă autentificați
423 422
  label_register: Înregistrare
424 423
  label_login_with_open_id_option: sau autentificare cu OpenID
425 424
  label_password_lost: Parolă uitată
config/locales/ru.yml (作業コピー)
601 601
  label_password_lost: Восстановление пароля
602 602
  label_permissions_report: Отчёт по правам доступа
603 603
  label_permissions: Права доступа
  label_please_login: Пожалуйста, войдите.
605 604
  label_plugins: Модули
606 605
  label_precedes: следующая
607 606
  label_preferences: Предпочтения
config/locales/sk.yml (作業コピー)
355 355
  label_enumeration_new: Nová hodnota
356 356
  label_information: Informácia
357 357
  label_information_plural: Informácie
  label_please_login: Prihláste sa prosím
359 358
  label_register: Registrácia
360 359
  label_password_lost: Zabudnuté heslo
361 360
  label_home: Domov
config/locales/sl.yml (作業コピー)
414 414
  label_enumeration_new: Nova vrednost
415 415
  label_information: Informacija
416 416
  label_information_plural: Informacije
  label_please_login: Prosimo prijavite se
418 417
  label_register: Registracija
419 418
  label_password_lost: Spremeni geslo
420 419
  label_home: Domov
config/locales/sq.yml (作業コピー)
509 509
  label_enumeration_new: Vlere e re
510 510
  label_information: Informacion
511 511
  label_information_plural: Informacione
  label_please_login: Lutemi login
513 512
  label_register: Regjistrohu
514 513
  label_login_with_open_id_option: ose lidhu me OpenID
515 514
  label_password_lost: Fjalekalim i humbur
config/locales/sr-YU.yml (作業コピー)
469 469
  label_enumeration_new: Nova vrednost
470 470
  label_information: Informacija
471 471
  label_information_plural: Informacije
  label_please_login: Molimo, prijavite se
473 472
  label_register: Registracija
474 473
  label_login_with_open_id_option: ili prijava sa OpenID
475 474
  label_password_lost: Izgubljena lozinka
config/locales/sr.yml (作業コピー)
467 467
  label_enumeration_new: Нова вредност
468 468
  label_information: Информација
469 469
  label_information_plural: Информације
  label_please_login: Молимо, пријавите се
471 470
  label_register: Регистрација
472 471
  label_login_with_open_id_option: или пријава са OpenID
473 472
  label_password_lost: Изгубљена лозинка
config/locales/sv.yml (作業コピー)
576 576
  label_enumeration_new: Nytt värde
577 577
  label_information: Information
578 578
  label_information_plural: Information
  label_please_login: Var god logga in
580 579
  label_register: Registrera
581 580
  label_login_with_open_id_option: eller logga in med OpenID
582 581
  label_password_lost: Glömt lösenord
config/locales/th.yml (作業コピー)
355 355
  label_enumeration_new: สร้างใหม่
356 356
  label_information: ข้อมูล
357 357
  label_information_plural: ข้อมูล
  label_please_login: กรุณาเข้าระบบก่อน
359 358
  label_register: ลงทะเบียน
360 359
  label_password_lost: ลืมรหัสผ่าน
361 360
  label_home: หน้าแรก
config/locales/tr.yml (作業コピー)
371 371
  label_enumeration_new: Yeni değer
372 372
  label_information: Bilgi
373 373
  label_information_plural: Bilgi
  label_please_login: Lütfen giriş yapın
375 374
  label_register: Kayıt
376 375
  label_password_lost: Parolamı unuttum
377 376
  label_home: Anasayfa
config/locales/uk.yml (作業コピー)
345 345
  label_enumeration_new: Нове значення
346 346
  label_information: Інформація
347 347
  label_information_plural: Інформація
  label_please_login: Будь ласка, увійдіть
349 348
  label_register: Зареєструватися
350 349
  label_password_lost: Забули пароль
351 350
  label_home: Домашня сторінка
config/locales/vi.yml (作業コピー)
417 417
  label_enumeration_new: Thêm giá trị
418 418
  label_information: Thông tin
419 419
  label_information_plural: Thông tin
  label_please_login: Vui lòng đăng nhập
421 420
  label_register: Đăng ký
422 421
  label_password_lost: Phục hồi mật mã
423 422
  label_home: Trang chính
config/locales/zh-TW.yml (作業コピー)
683 683
  label_enumeration_new: 建立新列舉值
684 684
  label_information: 資訊
685 685
  label_information_plural: 資訊
  label_please_login: 請先登入
687 686
  label_register: 註冊
688 687
  label_login_with_open_id_option: 或使用 OpenID 登入
689 688
  label_password_lost: 遺失密碼
config/locales/zh.yml (作業コピー)
484 484
  label_enumeration_new: 新建枚举值
485 485
  label_information: 信息
486 486
  label_information_plural: 信息
  label_please_login: 请登录
488 487
  label_register: 注册
489 488
  label_login_with_open_id_option: 或使用OpenID登录
490 489
  label_password_lost: 忘记密码