


How to know total Resolved issues last week after changed to Confirmed status.

Added by Thuan Nguyen about 6 years ago

My bug base have: New => Resolved => Confirmed like this.
The case is:
- I added 100 issues on 01/01/2017
- Dev team fixed 50 issues on 02/02/2017 but i don't confirm yet, 40 issues on 03/08/2018. (I don't know the number)
- I confirmed 60/100 issues on 03/08/2018.

Redmine now have: Start Date, Update, Create, Due date,...

How can i know the total resolved issues in 03/08/2018? Please give me your advice.

Replies (1)

RE: How to know total Resolved issues last week after changed to Confirmed status. - Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 6 years ago

Hello Thuan,

welcome to the Redmine community!
There is no single click solution, I'm afraid. The only way i could imagine is to write a script which crawls through your issues journals and looks for status changes to "Resolved" on a specific date. This should be achievable via Redmine's REST API.
