


Can't add users or groups via project settings

Added by Neum Schmickrath almost 14 years ago

I have a redmine 0.9.4 install running on a webfaction server using Passenger 2.2.8 (nginx 0.7.64/Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7) Everything is working well except I cannot add users or groups to a project when viewing the project/settings/members section. I can click the check box to select the user or group but when I hit the add button I only get the ajax "loading" graphic for a second or two and then nothing happens. I don't get a message in the logs. Any ideas?

I did find that I could add users or groups to a project by going to the user administration page and adding them there.

Ruby version 1.8.7 (i686-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.5
Rack version 1.0
Rails version 2.3.5
Active Record version 2.3.5
Active Resource version 2.3.5
Action Mailer version 2.3.5
Active Support version 2.3.5
Edge Rails revision unknown
Application root /home/page1/webapps/redmine/redmine-0.9.4
Environment development
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20100221100219

Replies (2)

RE: Can't add users or groups via project settings - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

You need to give users a role for the project, i.e. you need to select a user and a role for a user to be added to a project.

RE: Can't add users or groups via project settings - Added by Neum Schmickrath almost 14 years ago

Ohh, wow. Not feeling so smart about now. Next time I'll read the user guide:) Thanks!
