


cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password

Added by Madhu chennai over 14 years ago

Hai ,

I am using CVS and i configured CVS . In CVS i can able to login as CVS User and able to commit , update everything using CVS User . But when i try to commit for Other users for Eg. user1 , it shows the Below Error.

cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password

cvs [commit aborted]: authorization failed: server 192.168.XXX.XXX rejected access to /opt/cvs/repo for user cvs

But for User 1 , i am able to login successfully and below is my console

  • CVS exited normally with code 0 ***

cvs -z9 -d :pserver::/opt/cvs/repo login
Logging in to :pserver::2401:/opt/cvs/repo

  • CVS exited normally with code 0 ***

Can some one please help me ?

Replies (10)

RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Neil K over 14 years ago

Tell me the CVSROOT entry you used in Redmine.

RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Neil K over 14 years ago

use :pserver:madhu:/opt/cvs/repo

Replace password with the correct password for the cvs user "madhu"

RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Madhu chennai over 14 years ago

I used the Correct password for madhu . i can login but while commiting it says the above error


RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Neil K over 14 years ago

Sorry but I am not sure how you are committing via Redmine. Could you please tell me the exact steps you are following to generate the error in redmine?

RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Madhu chennai over 14 years ago

1) i Downloaded a Ubuntu VM Machine and Configured CVS in Redmine

2) I created CVS User Like Admin , madhu

2) Then I imported a Module in Redmine

3) Then I Checkout that Module Using CVS

4) Then I Tried by commiting the user as admin and i able to see the Changes in the Redmine Repositories

5) When i Tried to Commit by user "madhu" ,it says the Error


RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Neil K over 14 years ago

You said "When i Tried to Commit by user "madhu" ,it says the Error" How do you commit? via redmine or via shell?

RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Madhu chennai over 14 years ago

In CVS , I login as Madhu by giving the :pserver::/opt/cvs/repo login in the cvs that connects the CVS with the ubuntu Machine (192.168.XXX.XXX) is the IP address of the Machine .

RE: cvs commit: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password - Added by Madhu chennai over 14 years ago

Hai Finally i solved my Problem.

The Problem is , While Checkout A Fdlder from Redmine i used "Admin" User in the CVS Root Path . And After that I tried to Commit One File With Different User . So it throws this Error.

Thanks for Neil K

