


BZR: no files listed in Repository section - but revision info displayed

Added by justin kelly about 14 years ago

Hi Guys

first, thanks for this fantastic app!!


I'm trying to setup Redmine with BRZ, all is working fine but when i connected a project to a local bzr repo, the list of revisions and revision info was displayed - but the list of files and folders was empty

refer image below

any ideas??



Replies (3)

RE: BZR: no files listed in Repository section - but revision info displayed - Added by justin kelly about 14 years ago

note: i tried using a google-code hosted svn repo and files/folders displayed as expected

just an issue with using local bzr repo

RE: BZR: no files listed in Repository section - but revision info displayed - Added by justin kelly about 14 years ago

An update to this

this is the log entry when i view the commit info and try and click on the folder names 'tpl'

Any ideas ????



RE: BZR: no files listed in Repository section - but revision info displayed - Added by justin kelly about 14 years ago

sorry - the log message is

Processing RepositoriesController#entry (for 1myip at 2010-08-09 03:01:28) [GET]
  Parameters: {"rev"=>"1", "action"=>"entry", "id"=>"phppos", "path"=>["tpl"], "controller"=>"repositories"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Completed in 337ms (View: 30, DB: 8) | 500 Internal Server Error []