


updating redmine...please assist

Added by Gem Centos almost 10 years ago

Hello all, I am doing an upgrade of redmine from an older server.

Old environment:
Redmine v1.1.3
Ruby v1.8.7 (p72)
Rails 2.3.5

gem list - 13 local gems

As a step 1 I figured I would get the instance running on the new server (CentOS 6.5) first before attempting any upgrading. The new server is a test environment so open to try anything.

Using RVM I have setup a replica environment on the new server so I have the same version of Ruby, Rails, and all gems have been installed - also keeping the gem versions exactly the same (older). The files from the older server have been copied over to the new server (mysql is also copied to new server and has been updated in database.yml) and I am able to access via web.

I get the following error:
Application error
Rails application failed to start properly

I understand this is a pretty useless error. There are no errors in the production.log file...

I also considered starting from a new fresh install of Redmine and to get the data from the old instance into the new. What might be recommended for this upgrade process?

I was hoping to first get the instance running on the new server and then to follow standard upgrade steps.

Perhaps I should not be using rvm?

Thanks in advance!

Replies (3)

RE: updating redmine...please assist - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 10 years ago


I suggest you try to start your copy instance with Webrick for troubleshooting.

For the record, Ruby 1.8.7 is reaching its end of live, its usage is discouraged and support will be dropped in next release.
For the records also, when time comes for you to upgrade, make sure to follow the Redmine Upgrade Wiki.


RE: updating redmine...please assist - Added by Gem Centos almost 10 years ago

This is the time to upgrade, I am upgrading...I want to have the latest redmine with the latest compatible ruby and rails.

Likely going to end up with 2.6.0 and 3.2.19 rails with Ruby 2.0.0 then also consider upgrading from there.

RE: updating redmine...please assist - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) almost 10 years ago

FTR: Latest version of Ruby supported by Redmine 2.6.0 is Ruby 2.1.x (That would be Ruby 2.1.4 as time of writing).
This information can be found in the Installing Redmine wiki article.
