


adding icons to a plugin

Added by Ignacio Toscano about 14 years ago

hi, i'm doing a plugin, and i want add mi own icons,so i copy those icons into the folder /assets/images but when i write the route in de view, the icon is not draw

the view:

<IMG SRC="assets/images/tomcat_fields/true.png" ALT="Disponible">

there are any special requirements for do that or what route i must write?

Replies (3)

RE: adding icons to a plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Hello, the development forum is for discussions regarding redmine core, moving the thread to Plugins.

RE: adding icons to a plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Regarding your question, you either need a full path or a correct relative path, which this one both isn't. The "correct" rails way to do it is to use the helpers though, those are there so you don't have to worry about what URI the rails app is in and stuff like that, in your case those would for example be: image_path('true.png', :plugin => 'tomcat_fields') for the path to the image, image_tag('true.png', :plugin => 'tomcat_fields') for the whole ready-to-use html tag.
