


Approval by PM and Line Manager for Weekly time sheet

Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

It is getting little complicated here.
We determine the Manager by this permission "Manage Members" and he is the approver.

Looks like we need to define two more permissions
- Approve Timesheet Level 1
- Approve Timesheet Level 2

I am not sure how easy it is to extend the Roles & Permissions of Redmine.
So don't know if we will be able to do this.

Keeping Submit / approve button for every row might get complicated.

Again, showing all member timesheets in one view might be complicated as well.

The invoicing can be done by having a custom field on the timesheet, I think currently the custom field will only be edited by the team member though


From: Cecilia Dahlgren
To: Dhanasingh Krishnapandian
Sent: Friday, 25 January 2013 9:45 AM
Subject: Feature request: Approval by PM and Line Manager of time entries in Weekly time sheet.

Hello again,

You do not have a site to add feature request on, if so I could not find it. That is why I used the email to you..

See below picture on how I thought you could do the implementation in the GUI for each person but you can implement it as you want as long as the functionality is there.

I would prefer that on a project level the project manager should be able to configure for all members in the project who should be the approving PM and who is the approving Line Manager, that includes also himself, that is the PMs own time needs to be approved by somebody. Where you put that configuration is up to you where you think it suits you in development terms of view. As long as is possible to configure it.

The flow would be like this

1. The developer report time in one or many projects, once the reporting is done he press submit for everything, that is every raw in weekly time sheet.
2. For each different project the PM for that project needs to approve the added time, the best would be that the defined PM can check all reported time in his/hers project by week and approve many members in the same view. Each PM then approves his lines and submit the lines for approval by line managers/line manager
3. The line manager logs in to his developers entire lines and can approve all time in all project that employee has reported time in.
4. That period is greyed out and cannot be changed after the Line manager has approved the time.

About the invoicing thing in the picture, skip that for now, that is next feature request if you find time to do this enhancement of the plugin. Thanks for a good plugin we have used it for half a year and it is perfect.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need clarifications of what I mean. I hope you understand what I am trying to achieve.

That is we get approval for reported time by PM and Line Manager and then the time cannot be changed unless first the line manager unlock the period, and then the PM unlock the actual line that needs to be changed.

Best Regards

Cecilia Dahlgren

From: Dhanasingh Krishnapandian
Sent: 25 January 2013 09:01
To: Cecilia Dahlgren
Subject: Re: Weekly time sheet question

No we haven't been thinking about two level approval.
Ok we will take this as a feature request.

Do you want to set up the PM for each project? Or the line manager?


Sent from my iPhone

On 25-Jan-2013, at 8:40 AM, Cecilia Dahlgren wrote:

Hello again!

Yes, and the developer/person thinks something is wrong if the project name are not shown…
Thanks for quick reply. We can live with it for now since all time are shown at least so the hours added are correct at least. But maybe something for next release…

By the way have you been thinking on adding two step approval of time, that is, first the Project manager approved the project members time and once that is approved by all PM the report can be submitted for approval from the line manager?

It would be nice to be able to set in the plugin who is the approver of the time in all projects and who approved time for a person in the system. Do get what I mean?

Best Regards


From: Dhanasingh Krishnapandian
Sent: 25 January 2013 08:35
To: Cecilia Dahlgren
Subject: Re: Weekly time sheet question

Ok it shows only the project I'd when you no longer have permission to enter time

Sent from my iPhone

On 25-Jan-2013, at 8:21 AM, Cecilia Dahlgren wrote:

Hello again,

It might not be as bad as I initially thought. The only thing that happens is that the project name disappear. Se picture below


The rows 31 is a project that is closed, that is the project name disappear from the list in your plugin once the project is closed, the time reported is also greyed out since the project is closed you are not supposed to change any hours on it.

So the questions is can we show the project name instead?

Best Regards

Cecilia Dahlgren

From: Dhanasingh Krishnapandian
Sent: 25 January 2013 06:41
To: Cecilia Dahlgren
Subject: Re: Weekly time sheet question

I didn't, know this

Let me take a look

I think you should contact redmine

Sent from my iPhone

On 24-Jan-2013, at 10:53 PM, Cecilia Dahlgren <MODERATED BY JAN> wrote:

We use your excellent plugin, I have a question, in Redmine they introduced the function to close a project, what I do not understand is why they take away all reported time in those project from the total time reports. Is that something your plugin could take care of.

I mean you still want to check that all reported time ever in the system is searchable etc even if the project is archived or closed.

As is now I hesitate to close or archive a project since all reported time in that project disappear from reported time.

Do you understand my question or do I need to contact the Redmine team for this enhancement. How do you solve this.

Best Regards

Cecilia Dahlgren

image001.png (492 KB) image001.png Screenshot for 2 level approval

Replies (1)

RE: Approval by PM and Line Manager for Weekly time sheet - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

Message moderated and email address of third party removed

tl;dr... please use formatting and don't just forward emails...
