


webdav plugin trouble

Added by Zdravko Balorda about 11 years ago

I have set up webdav plugin but it works only half way.
Using local client I can login, I see a project, but accessing the project returns:
Sorry, could not display all the contents of "United4Health: Združeni za zdravje": HTTP Error:
apache log says:
admin [30/May/2013:06:51:32 +0000] "PROPFIND /webdav/united4health-zdruzeni-za-zdravje/ HTTP/1.1" 500 674 "-" "gvfs/1.4.3"

Also in Project->Settings tab there is no Webdav Tab, while being enabled in Modules Tab along with Files and Documents.

Also I don't know what it means to set files or documents folder in webdav? Redmine Files or Documents are in /files folder.

Please, let me know where I have hit a wall.
Thanks, Zdravko

Replies (1)

RE: webdav plugin trouble - Added by Zdravko Balorda about 11 years ago

This was in my testing site. Production site is ok. It works. Window clients are strange, though. CarotDAV is ok, but one cannot log out once logged in. Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir (XP client) wouldn't log in...
Still checking.
