


DMSF: slow loading page dmsf

Added by Petr Bushuev about 11 years ago

I use redmine 2.2.4
Plugins: Inline Note Images plugin, multiple files upload, plugins views revision, code review, DMSF, knoledgebase.
ruby: ruby 1.9.3p429 (2013-05-15) [i386-mingw32]

Plugin DMSF designed for a large number of files ? I have page DMSF in which 2800 files. Page loading 13 sec.Network problems and other problems have been checked.Has to work this plugin so?Is it possible to accelerate its work?

Replies (19)

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Petr Bushuev about 11 years ago

I have this fragment of production.log file

Started GET "/projects/test/dmsf" for at 2013-09-19 14:12:02 +0400
Processing by DmsfController#show as HTML
Rendered plugins/redmine_dmsf/app/views/dmsf/show.html.erb within layouts/base (11633.7ms)

Completed 200 OK in 11656ms (Views: 6990.4ms | ActiveRecord: 4661.3ms)
how can I look the MySQL query for this string (11633.7ms)?
and what does it mean: "Views: 6990.4ms | ActiveRecord: 4661.3ms"?

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Petr Bushuev almost 11 years ago

About 3500 queries are carried out when the dmsf page are loaded. Majority of they are connecting with table 'dmsf_file_revisions'. Is it possible not to address to this table? (Because these queries last 13 sec )

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic almost 11 years ago

My dev team has been experiencing this issue too and I've been watching this post for a while waiting for any activity. How can we help fix this?

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman almost 11 years ago

The user interface will be about 3x faster in the next release 1.4.7.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic almost 11 years ago

Thanks so much for addressing this! Gratefully, when might that release happen?

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman almost 11 years ago

Middle of January, I believe.
If possible test 1.4.7-devel and provide a feedback, please.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic almost 11 years ago

Thanks! I will gladly test that for you!

As a side thought, I wonder if it would be any additional performance boost to provide a configurable option to disable subdirectory file count display and total subdirectory file size display. Do you think that might also help?

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman almost 11 years ago

That's one of measures taken to speed up the application.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic almost 11 years ago

WOW! devel-1.4.7 is MORE than 3x faster for my repo! Very nice! Are there any known showstopper issues with devel-1.4.7? I am considering putting it on our production server until the official release. Does that sound like an extremely risky idea in your opinion?

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman almost 11 years ago

There is no open issue at the moment but still it is needed some time for testing. I see no risk in use of the development version but I'd personally wait until 1.4.7 is released in January.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Petr Bushuev over 10 years ago

redmine-2.2.4\plugins\redmine_dmsf\app\models\dmsf_folder.rb commenting out these lines will be faster page loading

def deep_size
#size = 0
#self.files.visible.each {|file| size += file.size}
#self.subfolders.visible.each {|subfolder| size += subfolder.deep_size}

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Petr Bushuev over 10 years ago

Page DMSF became loaded fast enough, the number of queries to the database was reduced to 700.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic over 10 years ago


As I mentioned earlier, my team and I are very appreciative of this work and want to help ensure your update goes as planned (without getting in your way). Please let me know if there are any other features I can help test in addition to the load-times discussed here. Also, is there an email list or a way to get some notification when the updated release happens?

Many thanks,

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman over 10 years ago

Please watch the plugin home page If you can test the development version, any reported bug is welcommed.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic over 10 years ago

I will keep testing independently but I am afraid my testing is too simple. if you let me know when you get to a point where the development branch is at a reasonable "beta" state (where it will not cause any known catastrophic issues with our database), I will install it on our team's server and let our engineers really give it a work-out.


RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman over 10 years ago

That's 1.4.7-devel version now. If you can test it, please do so.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman over 10 years ago

DMSF 1.4.7 has just been released.

RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Chris Bozic over 10 years ago

Excellent! Thank you so much for going out of your way to notify me here too.


RE: DMSF: slow loading page dmsf - Added by Karel Pičman over 10 years ago

I've just finished a next version 1.4.8. It's just before releasing. If you can test it, please do so.
