



Defect #35555


Import Issue failing with NoMethodError undefined method `spent_on'

Added by Simon Parker almost 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affected version:


When trying to Import issues, even when using the issues.csv file found in the "How To Import Issues" wiki HowTo_import_issues, it fails with 0/1 (in this case).

I have tried with a number of different CSV files, and always get the same results.

This is done from the "Import" menu item on the actions "..." on the "Items" tab.

This is the log when using issues.csv from the wiki (also attached) :

I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.227105 #486340] INFO -- : Started POST "/imports/c3ec18bbebcd65c763e25b1da254f4da/mapping" for at 2021-07-12 14:36:55 +1000
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.228232 #486340] INFO -- : Processing by ImportsController#mapping as HTML
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.228357 #486340] INFO -- : Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"TOifAYGuGBBaTxQgbfNYsB_BYw_GnbaTIJXN0bopjIEcslAQGaY9KgQD09dUfNmtzSHbIlCI2jAuUUSTYaOGdA", "import_settings"=>{"mapping"=>{"project_id"=>"251", "tracker"=>"0", "status"=>"1", "subject"=>"3", "description"=>"", "priority"=>"2", "category"=>"6", "assigned_to"=>"5", "fixed_version"=>"7", "is_private"=>"12", "start_date"=>"8", "due_date"=>"9", "estimated_hours"=>"10", "done_ratio"=>"", "cf_41"=>"", "unique_id"=>"", "parent_issue_id"=>"", "relation_duplicates"=>"", "relation_duplicated"=>"", "relation_blocks"=>"", "relation_blocked"=>"", "relation_relates"=>"", "relation_precedes"=>"", "relation_follows"=>"", "relation_copied_to"=>"", "relation_copied_from"=>""}}, "commit"=>"Import", "id"=>"c3ec18bbebcd65c763e25b1da254f4da"}
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.247370 #486340] INFO -- : Current user: sparker (id=42)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.265696 #486340] INFO -- : Redirected to
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.266009 #486340] INFO -- : Completed 302 Found in 38ms (ActiveRecord: 20.6ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.276593 #486340] INFO -- : Started GET "/imports/c3ec18bbebcd65c763e25b1da254f4da/run" for at 2021-07-12 14:36:55 +1000
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.278065 #486340] INFO -- : Processing by ImportsController#run as HTML
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.278211 #486340] INFO -- : Parameters: {"id"=>"c3ec18bbebcd65c763e25b1da254f4da"}
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.285621 #486340] INFO -- : Current user: sparker (id=42)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.297859 #486340] INFO -- : Rendering imports/run.html.erb within layouts/base
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.305364 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered issues/_sidebar.html.erb (5.7ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.305639 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered imports/_issues_sidebar.html.erb (6.5ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.306148 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered imports/run.html.erb within layouts/base (8.1ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.313883 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions/_html_header.html.erb (0.5ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.315878 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_wktime/app/views/wkbase/_base_header.html.erb (1.4ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.316978 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/stopwatch/app/views/stopwatch/hooks/_layouts_base_html_head.html.erb (0.6ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.318366 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/clipboard_image_paste/app/views/clipboard_image_paste/_headers.html.erb (0.9ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.318711 #486340] INFO -- : Rendering plugins/wiki_graphviz_plugin/app/views/wiki_graphviz/_head.html.erb
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.319291 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/wiki_graphviz_plugin/app/views/wiki_graphviz/_head.html.erb (0.4ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.465763 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_hourglass/app/views/hooks/_account_menu_link.slim (0.2ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.469685 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_wktime/app/views/wktime/_attendance_widget.html.erb (3.7ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.470028 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/sidebar_hide/app/views/sidebar/_hideButton_partial.html.erb (0.2ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.470440 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions/_body_bottom.html.erb (0.1ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.471643 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/stopwatch/app/views/stopwatch/hooks/_layouts_base_body_bottom.html.erb (1.0ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.473999 #486340] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/clipboard_image_paste/app/views/clipboard_image_paste/_add_form.html.erb (2.1ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.474275 #486340] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 196ms (Views: 149.7ms | ActiveRecord: 33.7ms)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.594192 #486340] INFO -- : Started POST "/imports/c3ec18bbebcd65c763e25b1da254f4da/run.js" for at 2021-07-12 14:36:55 +1000
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.594923 #486340] INFO -- : Processing by ImportsController#run as JS
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.594991 #486340] INFO -- : Parameters: {"id"=>"c3ec18bbebcd65c763e25b1da254f4da"}
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.599460 #486340] INFO -- : Current user: sparker (id=42)
I, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.745410 #486340] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 150ms (ActiveRecord: 31.3ms)
F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746061 #486340] FATAL -- :
F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746241 #486340] FATAL -- : NoMethodError (undefined method `spent_on' for #<Issue:0x00007f82239c1650>
Did you mean? spent_hours):
F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746290 #486340] FATAL -- :
F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746337 #486340] FATAL -- : plugins/redmine_wktime/app/helpers/wktime_helper.rb:1956:in `statusValidation'
plugins/redmine_wktime/init.rb:85:in `block in run'
app/models/import.rb:142:in `block in read_items'
app/models/import.rb:254:in `block in read_rows'
app/models/import.rb:253:in `read_rows'
app/models/import.rb:136:in `read_items'
plugins/redmine_wktime/init.rb:72:in `run'
app/controllers/imports_controller.rb:87:in `run'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'

This is our setup:

Redmine version 4.2.1.stable
Ruby version 2.6.7-p197 (2021-04-05) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 5.2.5
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Subversion 1.14.1
Git 2.31.1
Redmine plugins:
clipboard_image_paste 1.13
gerrit_connector 0.1.0
redmine_base_deface 1.5.3
redmine_hourglass 1.1.2+develop
redmine_wiki_extensions 0.9.2
redmine_wktime 4.2.1
sidebar_hide 0.0.8
stopwatch 0.1.0
wiki_graphviz_plugin 0.8.0


issues.csv (310 Bytes) issues.csv Issues file from the How To Import Issues wiki Simon Parker, 2021-07-12 06:55
Actions #1

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 3 years ago

It looks like the error occurred inside redmine_wktime plugin. Could you try again without plugins?

F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746241 #486340] FATAL -- : NoMethodError (undefined method `spent_on' for #<Issue:0x00007f82239c1650>
Did you mean? spent_hours):
F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746290 #486340] FATAL -- :
F, [2021-07-12T14:36:55.746337 #486340] FATAL -- : plugins/redmine_wktime/app/helpers/wktime_helper.rb:1956:in `statusValidation'
plugins/redmine_wktime/init.rb:85:in `block in run'
app/models/import.rb:142:in `block in read_items'
app/models/import.rb:254:in `block in read_rows'
app/models/import.rb:253:in `read_rows'
app/models/import.rb:136:in `read_items'
plugins/redmine_wktime/init.rb:72:in `run'
Actions #2

Updated by Simon Parker almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

You are completely correct, disabling the redmine_wktime plugin lets the import go through. I'll close this one, and log an issue with the redmine_wktime plugin author.

Actions #3

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

Thank you for your feedback. Closing.


Also available in: Atom PDF