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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
40711 Redmine Feature New Better error messages for LDAP authentication 2024-05-20 14:14 LDAP Actions
40234 Redmine Feature New Developer guide generating test data 2024-02-14 14:07 Website ( Actions
37192 Redmine Defect New Missing datepicker-en-US.js 2022-06-02 07:31 I18n Actions
37176 Redmine Feature New Mutli language public queries 2022-05-31 10:50 Translations Actions
36852 Redmine Feature New Load and use bash/system ENV variables in config YML files 2022-04-12 18:16 Actions
36025 Redmine Feature New Drag and drop upload files to issue via issue list screen 2021-10-21 09:01 Files Actions
34218 Redmine Patch New Increase size of value field in settings 2024-02-13 23:40 Database Actions
33882 Redmine Feature New Improved issue ID's 2020-08-21 13:02 Issues Actions
33330 Redmine Feature Closed Import of issue relations when imported from csv 2020-04-20 20:39 Importers Actions
33328 Redmine Feature New Ability to import watchers when importing issues from csv 2023-03-14 13:09 Importers Actions
33327 Redmine Defect New Import issues project tree not displaying correctly 2020-04-20 13:40 Importers Actions
33025 Redmine Feature New Optional email headers 2020-02-19 11:39 Email notifications Actions
32930 Redmine Defect Closed Unable to uncheck "All projects" in saved issue filter query 2020-02-04 06:09 Issues filter Actions
32847 Redmine Patch New Ability to add custom css classes to body tag 2020-02-11 16:14 Plugin API Actions
32783 Redmine Feature Closed Redirect to index page instead of edit page after creating a new custom field 2020-05-04 02:47 Custom fields Actions
32543 Redmine Feature New Ability to choose home page after login 2020-09-24 23:47 Accounts / authentication Actions
32537 Redmine Defect New Rake taks works on redmine 3.4 but does not work on 4 while for Redmine 4 it works in console 2020-11-15 02:00 Custom fields Actions
32116 Redmine Feature Closed Add configured theme to Redmine::Info 2021-12-12 05:15 Administration Actions
32042 Redmine Feature New Show in summary 2019-09-10 11:23 Custom fields Actions
31984 Redmine Feature Closed Permission to add timelogs in past 2019-08-30 20:42 Time tracking Actions
31882 Redmine Feature New Raise maximum length of issue status name 2019-08-29 16:41 Issues workflow Actions
31725 Redmine Feature New Start Redmine version numbering in reverse order (newer towards older) when submitting bugs on this instance 2019-07-15 09:40 Actions
31724 Redmine Defect Closed Wrong spent time calculation via svn commit log 2019-07-29 19:02 SCM Actions
31472 Redmine Feature New Add file upload when editing documents 2021-03-12 08:26 Documents Actions
31470 Redmine Feature New Detect browser locale and offer choice for datepicker 2020-01-21 02:57 I18n Actions
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